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it could be but probably not

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Q: You have same problem in your left wrist the main vain swells up and then its gone you work on phones and PC all day is this causing the problem?
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Is it bad to wrap a burned wrist tightly?

Yes, wrapping a burned wrist tightly will cause problems with circulation when the burned area inevitably swells.

What benefits would a wrist rest provide?

It is important to use a keyboard and mouse wrist rest to prevent the wrists from sagging, bending and twisting. These unsupported movements put stress on the median nerve, causing your wrist to hurt and may lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. However current mouse wrist rest do not work for most people because they cannot keep their wrist directly on the wrist rest and still maneuver the mouse as they need too. Visit for a mouse and wrist rest solution to this problem.

Why are wrist x-rays taken when carpal tunnel syndrome is suspected?

Wrist x rays are often taken to rule out the possibility of a tumor causing pressure on the median nerve.

How is carpal tunnel syndrome related to TFCC?

It would not be directly related to CTS. TFCC is a tear of cartilage/ligament structure on top of your wrist area. CTS has to do with compression of the median nerve on the other side (palm side) of wrist. Perhaps if you had trauma to your wrist causing a TFCC tear or wrist fracture etc...this may cause swelling, inflammation of the carpal tunnel area which could put pressure on the median nerve..eventually causing CTS.

Appiication of electronics?

There are so many! From design of simple electronic wrist watches to supercomputers, cell phones and all sorts of electronic gadgets.

Why do you point at your wrists while asking what the time is?

People point to their wrist because that is where people wore wrist watches. Many people wear wrist watches, but many do not since cell phones have taken over the time-keeping function. It would not be surprising that some folks would not understand where the gesture originated.

What happens if you cut your wrist then drink?

Your wrist bleeds, and you don't care as much. The drinking will have little effect on the bleeding, but it may well be part of the problem insofar as the cutting is concerned.

What is subchondral osteopenia of the distal right radius of the wrist mean?

Osteopenia is abnormally low bone density. In this case, the problem is below the cartilage of the larger bone of the forearm at the wrist.

What does nerve pain in your hands mean?

Frequent, nerve pain in the hands or hand or wrist is a result of overuse or trauma. It could also be a sign of putting to much pressure on the hand or wrist, and is causing bone, muscle, or tissue pain.

What can you take for wrist pain?

Wrist pain is an extremely common complaint, and there are many common causes of this problem. It is important to make an accurate diagnosis of the cause of your symptoms so that appropriate treatment can be directed at the cause.

How do the giant panda's wrist bones work?

Basically, the phelangenous forearm tendon creates a centripedal force that destabiises the architractal phibeus cuticle forcing the metacarpals in the left foracic chamber to depressurize causing the wrist to flex. The opposite is true upon extension.

Whats causing 93 D16 Honda loud hard knock at 2000RPM No metal in the pan Runs and starts fine Knock is significantly reduced after pulling number 1 plug wire?

I am having a similar problem that i cant solve but my neighbor was helping me troubleshoot and said that if it stopped after pulling a wire that it could be the wrist pin on the given cylinder. i still haven't fixed my problem