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A source of electricity

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Q: You put a fresh battery in the flashlight but it still would not work?
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What will happen if you left a flashlight on too long?

Its battery would leak or pollute the tube.

What is an complete circuit?

A circuit is complete whenever current can flow from the battery (or what is producing current), through the circuit, and back to the battery. A complete circuit could contain just a battery and one wire. An incomplete circuit could be a battery with a wire attached to just one terminal, because current cannot flow all the way through the circuit in this case (i.e. cannot flow through the battery). note: not all elements in a circuit may have current flow in a complete circuit. For instance, a light bulb may be shorted but you still have a complete circuit.

How would the circuit inside a flashlight work?

Flashlight by light, battery, circuit, a hood and a reflective cup, circuit storehouse, switch, etc, the basic principle is the current from the battery, and then to the circuit, after adjusting circuit voltage and current, and then output to the light source for lighting.

What type of circuit would be used in a battery operated torch?

Torch equals flashlight. Battery negative connected to case switched to bulbs outside. Positive connected to the lamps bottom. Called a series circuit.

Where is a fuse located in a flashlight?

I have never seen a flashlight with a fuse.UK residents would call a flashlight a torch.

Would shining a flashlight involve friction?

Shining a flashlight does not involve friction.

What battery will last longer in a flash lite a energizer or Panasonic?

I would prefer u panasonic as it is a japanese product while not sure about energizer. It depends upon the flashlight also.

Would battery be the independent variable and flashlight dependent variable in an experiment?

Nope. Dependent Variable is the variable that is being tested/measured while Independent variable is the variable is that can be changed.

How would you know that a flashlight is working?

If it has light, the flashlight is working.

Can you light a flashlight with some lemons?

Yes it is possible to make an acid battery using the acid in a lemon. (you would need allot of lemon batteries to light a flashlight bulb though - try using a diode light bulb) For more information on how to do this look in the link I will place below.

What would be a deers eye color be with a white flashlight?

A deer's eye color with a white flashlight would be greenish yellow or yellow. This light is gathered by the eye while a portion is reflected back at the flashlight.

How could you use a flashlight to test two different brands of batteries to see which brand had more energy?

Well what you would do is you would put the first brand of batteries in the flashlight and you would time how long the batteries lasted and right it down . Then put the second brand of batteries in the flashlight and turn on the flashlight and time the flashlight and see how long the batteries lated and wright it down and you have your answer .