


Usually battery powered, flashlights are a portable means of creating artificial light. They allow a person safer navigation through darkened areas.

686 Questions

Does the pupil get smaller when you are under the influence when a flashlight is shined in it than when not under the influence?

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Yes, drug use can affect the size of the pupil. Some drugs can cause pupils to constrict (get smaller) while others can dilate (get larger) compared to when not under the influence. It's important to note that different drugs can have varying effects on pupil size.

Why did they invent flashlights?

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Flashlights were invented to provide portable, hand-held light sources for illuminating dark or poorly lit areas without the need for a permanent light fixture. They are useful for emergencies, outdoor activities, and situations where electricity is not available.

What is visible to a person only because light from another source reflects it lightning or flashlight or cloud or sun?

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An object is visible to a person only when light from another source reflects off of it. This light can come from artificial sources like lightning or flashlights, or natural sources like the sun or reflected light from the clouds.

What happens when someone shine a flashlight is your eyes?

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When someone shines a flashlight in your eyes, the bright light can cause temporary vision impairment like glare, discomfort, and temporary blindness. It can also potentially damage the retina with prolonged exposure, leading to permanent vision loss. It is important to avoid shining bright lights directly into someone's eyes to protect their vision.

Did they have flashlights in 1957?

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Yes, flashlights were available in 1957. They were powered by batteries and commonly used for portable lighting in various settings.

How does the sun shine on the warmest parts of the earth Demonstrate this with a flashlight and a globe?

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The sun shines most directly on the warmest parts of the Earth (near the equator) because these areas receive more concentrated sunlight. You can demonstrate this by shining a flashlight onto a globe: areas closer to the point where the light beam hits the globe directly receive more intense light, just like the equatorial regions receive more direct sunlight from the sun.

How does a flashlight help one to see at night?

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A flashlight emits light that illuminates the surroundings, making objects visible in the dark. This helps the person holding the flashlight to navigate and see better in low-light conditions, improving visibility and safety at night.

How can a student use a flashlight and a globe to demonstrate a model of the sun's rays?

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A student can position the globe to represent the sun and shine the flashlight on it to demonstrate the sun's rays. By angling the flashlight at different points on the globe, they can show how the intensity of sunlight varies at different latitudes. This can help explain concepts such as the tilt of the Earth's axis and how it affects the seasons.

When you turn off the lights at night and shine a flashlight what will you see floating in the air?

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The particles you see floating in the air when shining a flashlight in the dark are typically dust, lint, or other small airborne particles that reflect the light.

Would a flashlight work on the moon?

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Yes, a flashlight would work on the moon since it emits light independently and does not rely on any external factors to illuminate. However, the lack of atmosphere on the moon means there would be no air particles to scatter the light, so the beam might appear more focused and clearer compared to Earth.

What does the flashlight represent?

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A flashlight can symbolize seeking clarity, guidance, or enlightenment in dark or uncertain situations. It can also represent illumination, hope, and a way to navigate through challenges or obstacles.

When does chemical change happen on a flashlight to produce electricity?

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Chemical changes in a flashlight occur when the batteries inside the flashlight react chemically to produce electricity. This chemical reaction happens when the electrodes in the battery react with the electrolyte, generating a flow of electrons that powers the flashlight.

What is the first flashlight?

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The first flashlight was invented by Joshua Lionel Cowen in 1898. It used a dry cell battery, a small incandescent light bulb, and a metal casing, making it portable and convenient for use in various situations.

How are concave mirrors used in flashlights?

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Concave mirrors are used in flashlights to reflect and focus light rays emitted from the light bulb. The curved surface of the mirror helps to redirect the light beams outward, creating a more intense and focused beam of light. This allows for better illumination over long distances.

Who invented the solar powered flashlight?

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The invention of the solar powered flashlight is attributed to Dr. Bill Yerkes, who developed the technology in the 1970s. By integrating solar panels with rechargeable batteries, Yerkes created a sustainable and convenient source of light that does not rely on traditional batteries.

What country does the Fenix flashlight come from?

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All Fenix lights are made in China, but they are Mil-Spec and the quality control on them is great.

How long will it take the light from a flashlight to travel around the Earth once?

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Well it won't as light can't turn only go straight from its source.

It almost could if you used fiber optics, and then if you used fiber optic cable the loss in the cable would have the light completely gone long before the light made it around the world.

But the math Speed of light = 299,792,458 METERS PER SECOND

Circumference of the Earth = 40075.16 km

Math MPS to KMPS 299792458 / 1000 = 299,792.458 Kilometers per second

40075.16 km / 299792.458 kmps = .1336 seconds

Does a flashlight have radiation?

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Yes, although probably not the kind you're thinking about. Microwaves use electromagnetic radiation to heat food. If the microwave is properly constructed and not damaged, none of that radiation escapes.

Who invented the hand crank flashlight?

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American inventor Clayton Harris developed the hand-crank flashlight in the late 19th century. The hand crank allowed users to generate electricity manually to power the flashlight, offering a reliable lighting solution without the need for batteries.

Was there flashlights in the 1950s?

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Yes, flashlights were available in the 1950s. They were commonly used as portable light sources powered by batteries or hand-crank mechanisms, similar to how they are used today.

If you shine a flashlight into the night Sky how fast will its light travel?

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hey i am looking for an aswer please tell it to me hahahh

hey if you r that *#*## that put fgafhg sasfkhsiugfshgfsh thank

**##* #*#*# you

Where was the first flashlight made?

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The first flashlight was invented by British inventor David Misell in 1899. He patented the design in the United States and produced the first flashlight using a handcrafted tube and incandescent light bulb.

Who 1st invented flashlights?

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The first practical flashlight was invented by British inventor David Misell in 1899. It used a dry cell battery and an incandescent light bulb.

When where flashlights invented?

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The flashlight was invented in the late 19th century by British inventor David Misell, who patented the first dry cell battery-powered handheld electric device in 1899. The invention revolutionized portable lighting by providing a convenient and portable source of illumination.

Who invented the flashlight and why?

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Although a relatively simple device, the flashlight was not invented until the late 19th century, because it depended upon the earlier invention of the electric battery (1800) and incandescent light bulb (1879). On 10 January 1899, American Electrical Novelty and Manufacturing Company obtained U.S. Patent No. 617,592 (filed 12 March 1898) from David Misell, an inventor. This "electric device" designed by Misell was powered by "D" batteries laid front to back in a paper tube with the light bulb and a rough brass reflector at the end. The New Yorker magazine reported in 1947 that Joshua Lionel Cowen, of Lionel toy-train fame, invented the flashlight. The magazine article says that it was a slender battery in a metal tube. On one end of the tube there was a light bulb and the other end had an on-off switch. He used these "flash lights" to illuminate potted flowers. Frustrated by unresolved mechanical problems in getting them to light properly, Cowen sold the invention to Hubert, who then distributed the electrified flowerpots as novelties through his store. The novelty company owned by Conrad Hubert donated some of the tubular models (Misell's patent) to the New York City police, who responded favorably to them. Hubet ultimately turned this into the Eveready flashlight, which built a $6,000,000 fortune. These early flashlights ran on zinc--carbon batteries, which were incapable of providing a steady source of electric current, and needed to be 'rested' periodically to continue functioning. Because these early flashlights also used energy-inefficient carbon-filament bulbs, this occurred at short intervals; consequently they could be used only in brief flashes, hence the popular name flashlight.

Misell's Patent 617,592

1899 Eveready flashlight

A high power torch