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Unemployment laws and benefits vary by state. For a list of state specific online resources, see:

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Q: You work 4 day weeks now and possibly going to 3 days a week can you apply for unemployment for that one or two days off work?
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Only if you followed state regulations, and were already unemployed at the time within a certain criteria. You cant just apply for unemployment due to pregnancy, there are procedures you have to meet to do so in the first place, consult your local unemployment office to confirm your needs.

After 26 weeks of unemployment benefits expires do you have to file to get an extension?

In some states, the extension is automatic and in others you have to apply. For safety, check with your own state's unemployment office.

How long can you get unemployment compensation in the state of West Virginia?

You have 52 weeks, during which time to receive 26 times your weekly benefit. Therefore, before extensions, due to the economy, you would collect for 26 weeks. If the state suffered higher than normal unemployment, an additional 13 weeks would apply.

I have been working for the past 3 yrs this year has been very bad for my health and I have missed a lot of work if they release me for missing time can I still get unemployment.?

Unfortunately, if you're fired, not laid off, you won't be able to apply for unemployment. If you think you're going to be fired then put in your two weeks notice and preempt them.

How long after being fired can you receive unemployment in NY?

From my knowledge you can apply the day after you are fired and shouls receive some form of payment in about 4-6 weeks.

If something happens at your work place and they close down for a week do you still get paid?

You will need to apply for unemployment that week of shut down and wait several weeks to get paid.

How many weeks can you collect unemployment in Massachusetts?

99 weeks

How many weeks of unemployment can you get in California?

I think that it's 40 weeks

Can you get an extension for unemployment compensation in Georgia?

if you qualify your unemployment extends into the EUC, emergency unemployment compensation. obama just signed the extension in dec 2010 that extends benefits until dec 2011. if you exhausted your regular benefits you will apply for EUC and begin tier 1 of benefits (20 weeks) then tier 2 (14 weeks) tier 3 (13 weeks) and tier 4 (6 weeks) after that you could qualify for SEB, state extended benefits (20 weeks) if all of the EUC has been exhausted before 12/31/11

Can i collect unemployment full weeks after went back to work for 3 months?

If what you are asking is "Can I collect unemployment after I have been back at work for weeks?" The answer is: No you can not.

If you were terminated from work are you eligible for the extension of unemployment benefits?

Madison, WI I work part time and collecting partial unemployement. Will I be able to apply for the 13 weeks of extention if I was terminated from work.?? I am only making 300 per month from employement and my unemployment money is almost exhausted How do I apply for extention and when do I apply

Baby was born at 33 and a half weeks going by your us possibly been 35 and a half weeks going by another us Is there anyway that the baby could have been 40 weeks and the drs and us be wrong?

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