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You need to be more secure in your relationship with your boyfriend and more trusting of your friend. If you find that it seems more than what it should be then you should step in and sit down and talk with both of them.

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Q: Your best friend and your boyfriend have become good friends and it makes you jealous How do you deal with your jealousy without losing them?
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What to do if your boyfriend makes friend with another girl?

Don't be jealous, she is only his friend. After all: You can meet boys and be friends with them without being their girlfriend.

Can one be jealous without being insecure?

If you were completely secure with whatever it is that is bothering you, you wouldn't be jealous at all! Because you'd know everything would turn out in your favor. Thus, I cannot say one can be jealous without having some sort of insecurity about whatever the subject of jealousy is.

Why is jealousy important in Othello the play?

Jealousy is the reason for all the misery in the story. The characters Roderigo and Iago, who are jealous of Othello and Cassio, start the whole chain of events that eventually leads to the death of almost every character. In short, without jealousy, the series of tragedies that occured would not have happened.

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Get your friends to ask her without using your name.

What do you do if you have friends that are guys but only friends and your boyfriend gets really jealous if you even mention a different guys name?

Run for your life! Such a relationship always proves to be unhealthy and hurtful. We all get insecure at times, but his behavior is far away from normal to be curable without expert help.

How can you make your boyfriend jealous?

Personally I think that attempting to make your boyfriend jealous, would only make the situation worse, and it would probably end up going wrong and you'd be no further into sorting the problem, than you were in the first place. Except maybe this time, you'd be without a boyfriend.

This girl and I are friends and she told me she liked me and I said I liked her to so we hung out more and we were flirting and hugging and then she gets a bf is she trying to make me jealous.?

It is difficult to determine her intentions without more context. She may genuinely like her new boyfriend, or she could be trying to make you jealous. It is important to communicate openly with her to understand her perspective and feelings.

Why are you jealous?

Jealousy is a human emotion that occurs from a dislike of a certain situation (such as someone cheating with your girlfriend) or selfishness. It's an inbred factor of human beings, as with all other emotions. Jealousy can be influenced by psychological, cultural and societal factors. A societal situation could be one in which a female gets jealous of another due to high fashion. Or a man being envious of a competitor who got a job that was open. It's all based on environmental, and at times, biological factors.

What are jealousy delusions?

Morbid jealousy, also known as Othello syndrome or delusional jealousy, is a psychological disorder in which a person is preoccupied with the thought that their spouse or sexual partner is being unfaithful without having any real proof, along with socially unacceptable or abnormal behaviour related to these thoughts.

How do you kiss your boyfriend without people seeing?

if your with a group of friends pull back a little a kiss him then

You have feelings for your friend but she has a boyfriend what do you do?

Okay so.... she has a boyfriend but she often gives me mixed signals like standing closer than she used to. That's not the problem, she says she only likes me as a friend but with the mixed signals and the fact that at the dance she kept trying to make me jealous by kissing her boyfriend only when she say me looking over there or when I had a clear view without actually looking at her. The big problem is if she was jealous of the fact that I took another girl with me because the atmosphere of the dance felt like we were trying to make each other jealous despite that not being my intention. I care for her deeply and I want her to be happy with or without me. But my heart hurts when I see her with her boyfriend. Posted by the poster of the question, Darkored

What do you do about jealousy?

This may not work if the person asking for advice is agnostic or atheist. Then who would they pray to? I say some jealousy is unavoidable even in perfectly healthy relationships. Most people will even tell you that a little jealousy is an ego boost. I will agree that the bible says that jealousy is rottenness to the bones but God is also a jealous God... which makes me feel pretty good that he doesn't want me running around with any other Gods. That he just wants me all to himself. Kind of like a relationship with someone you love, right? There is, however, a fine line between a little jealousy and an abusive boyfriend/girlfriend. If he/she is 'forbidding' you to talk with a friend or family member without a good solid reasoning... maybe it's time to think twice about sticking around with this person long term. No one really has the answer to this. Jealousy is a very evil and painful feeling, usually in a teenage girl who feels insecure about herself. The thing about this monster called ''jealousy'', is that it will go on and on and grow and grow, if you don't do anything about it. The best thing to do (in fact recommended), is to just pray for the person you're jealous of; ask that God will help them and protect them, and heal them through what they may be going through themselves (yup, even the person you're jealous of has a few problems here and there). Even though it may be hard at first, God will truly reward you! You will just see!