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Q: In the US political leaders are elected to represent the American people. While presidents governors and legislators have political authority their power comes directly from the citizens who vote for?
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Do you have to win he senate's seat before competing with the president in the presidential election?

No. Several Presidents were governors or held other political office prior to becoming President. Some held no political office at all.

How does a Governor of Ireland get its job?

There is no such job as Governor of Ireland and Ireland does not have governors, as in political heads of regions. Politicians in Ireland are elected. There are other kinds of governors that are not political, such as governors of prisons. Those are jobs that people would have to apply for.There is no such job as Governor of Ireland and Ireland does not have governors, as in political heads of regions. Politicians in Ireland are elected. There are other kinds of governors that are not political, such as governors of prisons. Those are jobs that people would have to apply for.There is no such job as Governor of Ireland and Ireland does not have governors, as in political heads of regions. Politicians in Ireland are elected. There are other kinds of governors that are not political, such as governors of prisons. Those are jobs that people would have to apply for.There is no such job as Governor of Ireland and Ireland does not have governors, as in political heads of regions. Politicians in Ireland are elected. There are other kinds of governors that are not political, such as governors of prisons. Those are jobs that people would have to apply for.There is no such job as Governor of Ireland and Ireland does not have governors, as in political heads of regions. Politicians in Ireland are elected. There are other kinds of governors that are not political, such as governors of prisons. Those are jobs that people would have to apply for.There is no such job as Governor of Ireland and Ireland does not have governors, as in political heads of regions. Politicians in Ireland are elected. There are other kinds of governors that are not political, such as governors of prisons. Those are jobs that people would have to apply for.There is no such job as Governor of Ireland and Ireland does not have governors, as in political heads of regions. Politicians in Ireland are elected. There are other kinds of governors that are not political, such as governors of prisons. Those are jobs that people would have to apply for.There is no such job as Governor of Ireland and Ireland does not have governors, as in political heads of regions. Politicians in Ireland are elected. There are other kinds of governors that are not political, such as governors of prisons. Those are jobs that people would have to apply for.There is no such job as Governor of Ireland and Ireland does not have governors, as in political heads of regions. Politicians in Ireland are elected. There are other kinds of governors that are not political, such as governors of prisons. Those are jobs that people would have to apply for.There is no such job as Governor of Ireland and Ireland does not have governors, as in political heads of regions. Politicians in Ireland are elected. There are other kinds of governors that are not political, such as governors of prisons. Those are jobs that people would have to apply for.There is no such job as Governor of Ireland and Ireland does not have governors, as in political heads of regions. Politicians in Ireland are elected. There are other kinds of governors that are not political, such as governors of prisons. Those are jobs that people would have to apply for.

Which political party has the least presidents?

Political Parties do not have presidents. They have representatives, but not presidents.

Who is currently trying to legalize same-sex marriage in the United States?

Political ActivistsSame-sex CouplesLawyers and JudgesMany Democratic Politicians, including mayors, state legislators, governors, congressmen, senators, attorneys general and the President of the United States.

How many Fed Governors are there?

seven-member board of governors governors are given 14 year terms designed to insulate them from political pressure.

How do citizens participate in Mexicos government?

Besides popular vote for local, state and federal representatives (municipal presidents, governors, congress and president), many of them belong to several NGOs and unions that act as political pressure groups.

who was the political thinker recommended that legislators retained independence from their constituents?

Edmund Burke

Governors typically have the most conflict with?

the federal government. Since governors have significant authority and decision-making power within their respective states, they often clash with the federal government over issues such as funding allocations, policy implementation, and the balance of power. This conflict can arise from differences in political ideologies, priorities, and the interpretation of constitutional authority.

What are the four types of political authority?

Traditional authority,legal authority,and autocratic authority.

What is some political system of songhai?

The political system of the Songhai Empire was a centralized monarchy led by a powerful emperor. The emperor had authority over provincial governors, who oversaw the administration of various regions within the empire. The empire also had a system of appointed officials to help govern its territories.

What were the political affiliations (parties) of these presidents and what were the platform?

You forgot to mention any specific presidents.

A republic was a system in which ultimate political authority is vested in what?

A republic is a system in which ultimate political authority is vested in the people.