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Q: The right to be tried soon after being accused of a crime of law?
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What amendment gives citizens the right to be tried after being accused of a crime?

The 4th Amendment.

What is a person called who is being tried for a crime?

That would be the Defendant.

What amendment states that you can be tried soon after being accused of a crime?

i dont now ask a history teacher or something :D

Is being tried twice for the same crime a basic civil right?

You can not be tried twice for the same crime. It's called double jeopardy.

Does a person accused of a serious crime need to be indicted by a Grand Jury before being tried in a court of law?

It depends on the legislation of the country involved.

What did the ancient Romans do to those accused with crimes?

The first thing the Romans did with someone accused of a crime was to give him a trial. Where this trial took place depended on the status of the accused and the type of crime. A petty crime by someone of the lower class would be tried by one of the praetors and if found guilty the man would be fined and set free. A capital crime, such as murder had special courts and if the man were found guilty he could face the death penalty, again depending upon the status of the person he murdered and the circumstances of the crime. However, a man accused of treason or a public official accused of corruption, both of these defendants, usually being of a high status, would be tried before the Senate.

What is a physician called who has been charged with a crime but has not yet been tried in a court of law?


Being tried for the same crime?

Double Jepoardy means being tried for the same crime after being found not guilty the first time around.

What freedom did Lincoln violate?

Actually, several. Perhaps the most noticed was the right in the US Constitution of Habeas Corpus- the right to demand that when accused of a crime you be taken before a judge and tried for the crime. During the Civil War, that right was suspended. You could be arrested, and held in prison without trial.

What do we call the right of people accused of breaking the law to be tried by a group of fellow citizens?

This right is called the right to a trial by jury. It allows the accused to have their case heard by a group of impartial peers who will decide on the verdict based on the evidence presented during the trial.

Which Amendment gives an accused person the right to be tried by a jury?


Which amendment protects people from being tried for the same crime twice?

The Fifth Amentment protects people from being tried twice. For example (fake storie) there is a women who was accused of killing her husband. She didnt kill him but was put in jail for 10 years. She comes out of jail and finds her husband. She then kills him this time for real. She cant be tried for this same crime twice.