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They ate soup, bread,meat, and mostly drank wine all the time.

Some weird dishes are:

~calf head soup

~turtle soup


~onion pie


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14y ago
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12y ago

well, men at sea often ate the rats which infested their ships.

there was such a shortage of food then, that people would eat just about anything they could find. many people died because they did not want to farm. the Indians really helped us when we first arrived, they taught us how to farm maize squash and potatoes among many others, they also gave us lots of turkey and buffalo to help us to survive. we really showed our appreciation didn't we? by invading their world. sand creek, the Trail of Tears. the list goes on.

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11y ago

During the American revolution, common foods that were eaten included beef jerky, cheese, and rolls.

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14y ago

they wore uniforms that were the same

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13y ago

bread,soup,and drink mostly wine

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turkey and other

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Q: What foods did colonists during the revolutionary war eat?
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What food did the patriots eat it during the revolutionary war?

They ate soup,bread and mostley drank wine.

What foods did the pilgrims eat?

The colonists at Plymouth had fish and shellfish, venison, ducks and wild turkeys. Vegetables included cabbage, beans, onion and squash. Their first wheat crop (in 1621) failed, so they did not have bread. "Indian corn" was ground into a porridge and cooked; some of it may have been made into flatbread. Early on, all cooking was done over open fires, as they did not have ovens.

What foods didn't Amerindian eat?

Amerindians eat: corn,sweet pataoes,hot pepper and they basically they eat plant.

What was the issue puritan livestock had for the native Americans and how was this issue solved?

The animals that were brought with the colonists were not native to the land and the colonists allowed them to roam around the colony. When they did this the animals would eat the crops the Native Americans were growing. This caused a problem between the two groups and if one of the Native Americans killed or hurt one of the animals the colonists would charge them for the animal and all the offspring of that animal. Not only were the colonists bringing nonnative animals, but they also introduced plants and insects into the environment trying to create another England. The honey bee was the most destructive insect introduced to North America and essentially the colonists practiced environmental terrorism against the Native Americans.

Why did the colonists fight the British?

The English viewed the American colonies as a way to earn money. In this way, the British taxed the colonists and allowed them little freedom. The colonies didn't have any say on what decisions were made, and the decisions that were made were made across an ocean. They were constantly patrolled by British officers, the things that they produced were taxed for benefit of the British, etc. etc. Eventually, the colonists grew tired of being controlled by England and decided to rebel. Personally, I think the main reason that the colonists wanted to rebel was that they were a separate place - across an ocean! - and they wanted their own say into the decisions that affected them.

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There are several foods you should eat during pregnancy. You should eat green vegetables and drink juice.

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There are no foods that you shouldn't eat during your period, you can eat whatever you would eat normally. Unless you notice specific problems with certain foods then there's no reason to limit what you eat.

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Colonists weren't in New York during the middle ages!

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Those fatty foods are their sustenance during hibernation.

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Members of the Apache nation eat the same foods that Americans eat. They do eat traditional foods like fried bread during family gatherings or special occasions.

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What did Jews eat at their houses during the holocaust?

The same foods as everyone else.