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The speaker of the house is the leader of the majority party in the House. His job is to keep the party together, settle disputes among party members and set up a legislative program . He decides what legislation comes to a vote and has a strong influence on all action of the house. He meets with US President from time to time to discuss legislation. He is third in line for the US presidency.

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βˆ™ 3y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The duties of a pro-tem speaker is as follows; 1.Performs the duties of the speaker in absence of the speaker 2.Regulates the business of the house 3.Incase of vacancy of the speakers position of death or unexpected instances,he acts as the speaker. 4.he is an ex officio member in voting and all special committees.

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i would say it's going to be the next house boss tbQh¬

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The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (or Speaker of the House) is the presiding officer of the chamber. As of 2012, the Speaker of the House is Republican John Boehner of Ohio.

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The Speaker of the House of Representatives is second in line to become president if the president can no longer carry out his duties. The Speaker would become president if both the President and Vice President died in office, resigned, or otherwise became incapacitated.