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Pardon my sarcasm, but in Canada we tend to call that a 'miracle.'


The U.S. Constitution establishes a form of government called "Federalism," where power and authority is shared between federal, state and local governments. Under federalism in the United States, some functions of government are the sole purview of the federal government; some are the exclusive rights of state governments; and some are shared, or "concurrent" between the federal and state bodies.

Some examples of the use of concurrent powers are:

* Creating courts * Establishing and collecting taxes * Building infrastructure (highways, bridges, etc.) * Legislating and enforcing laws * Chartering and regulating banks and businesses * Creating and funding social welfare programs * Exercising Imminent Domain

This subject is addressed in more detail in the Federalist Papers, authored by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay in 1787-1788, under the section "On the Republican form of government" (see link in Related Links).

In the U.S., other forms of cooperation between two governmental bodies are called "Joint Exercise of Power" or "Joint Powers Agreements".

Some states have created institutions called "Joint Power Authorities" that allow two or more public authorities (e.g., local government, public utilities and transportation, etc.) to work together as one operating unit, often for the purpose of increasing buying, marketing and negotiating strength. The Joint Power Authority (JPA) oversees and administers the member coalition.

California and Minnesota are two states that make extensive use of JPA's.

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Q: What is the term used to describe the process when both the U.S. federal and state governments work together to solve problems?
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How can the federal and state governments both have the power to tax?

The Federal and state governments both have the power to tax because they each have separate expenses in a budget. State governments tax to help pay for state programs. Federal governments tax to help pay for Federal programs.

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No; federal governments have to be bicameral in order to have representation from subnational units.

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The state and the federal governments create statutory law.

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The Constitution states that expressed powers are the federal governments.

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How does cooperative federalism work in the United States?

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