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The praefectus castrorum or camp prefect was the third most senior commander of the ancient Roman legion.

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Q: What was a camp prefect in the ancient Roman army?
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Who were the Roman centurions?

Centurion of the Roman Army was a rank of the Roman Army officials. Centurions were in command of about 80 men, contrary to the popular belief that it was 100. Centurions were Roman soldiers that showed enough skills in combat, discipline, and leadership that they were promoted to Centurion.The highest rank of Centurion was the Primus pilus, he was the leader of the first cohort. Cohorts usually contained around 6 centuries, but the first cohort in a legion had double the amount of soldiers in each century. So, in reality, a Primus pilus was in direct command of roughly 960 men, but being the supreme centurion of the whole legion, he had command over an actual number of about 5,000 men, and was second in line to the Legatus-the commander of a legion.

Why was it important that the Roman army built a camp properly?

It was extremely important that the Roman army build a camp properly because of security and also a proper camp was an efficient camp. A camp was only used on the march and most times the Roman army was marching into enemy territory. A proper camp with its ditch and stockade afforded protection against surprise night attacks. Also, every man knew where he was supposed to be in a camp that followed regulations. He knew where his tent was and the army slave knew where to unload the contubernium mule who carried the tent and food. Set up and take down ran efficiently and smoothly in a properly built marching camp.

What were the Roman commanders called?

The Roans commanders were called Legates. They were in command of a legion. The legates were assisted by two military tribunes, who were in turn assisted by the Camp Prefect and several ranks of centurion.

What is a Roman camp called?

a roman camp is called a camp !!

What is the difference between army fort vs army camp?

an army fort is a building which is desiened to be easily defendable in the event of an attack and an army camp is well a camp.

What is the roman camp in the lost hero?

The Roman camp in "The Lost Hero" is called Camp Jupiter. It is the equivalent of Camp Half-Blood for Roman demigods and is located in San Francisco. The camp is organized around the Roman gods and has a different hierarchy and culture compared to Camp Half-Blood.

How did the ancient Roman soldier stand guard?

Standing on the mound surrounding the camp, behind the pallisade, or in the watchtowers built around the perimeter of the camp. Sleeping on sentry duty carried automatic death penalty.

What camp is where the Colonial army became a REAL army?

in afeganistan

Who was a roman centurion and why was he important?

A Roman centurion was an officer in the Roman army. As there were eleven grades of centurions, he could be in charge of as few as 80 men or the entire camp. The centurions who led the centuries or the cohorts were men who led by example in battle. Consequently they had the highest casualty rates. A centurion was important as a leader and as an administrator.A Roman centurion was an officer in the Roman army. As there were eleven grades of centurions, he could be in charge of as few as 80 men or the entire camp. The centurions who led the centuries or the cohorts were men who led by example in battle. Consequently they had the highest casualty rates. A centurion was important as a leader and as an administrator.A Roman centurion was an officer in the Roman army. As there were eleven grades of centurions, he could be in charge of as few as 80 men or the entire camp. The centurions who led the centuries or the cohorts were men who led by example in battle. Consequently they had the highest casualty rates. A centurion was important as a leader and as an administrator.A Roman centurion was an officer in the Roman army. As there were eleven grades of centurions, he could be in charge of as few as 80 men or the entire camp. The centurions who led the centuries or the cohorts were men who led by example in battle. Consequently they had the highest casualty rates. A centurion was important as a leader and as an administrator.A Roman centurion was an officer in the Roman army. As there were eleven grades of centurions, he could be in charge of as few as 80 men or the entire camp. The centurions who led the centuries or the cohorts were men who led by example in battle. Consequently they had the highest casualty rates. A centurion was important as a leader and as an administrator.A Roman centurion was an officer in the Roman army. As there were eleven grades of centurions, he could be in charge of as few as 80 men or the entire camp. The centurions who led the centuries or the cohorts were men who led by example in battle. Consequently they had the highest casualty rates. A centurion was important as a leader and as an administrator.A Roman centurion was an officer in the Roman army. As there were eleven grades of centurions, he could be in charge of as few as 80 men or the entire camp. The centurions who led the centuries or the cohorts were men who led by example in battle. Consequently they had the highest casualty rates. A centurion was important as a leader and as an administrator.A Roman centurion was an officer in the Roman army. As there were eleven grades of centurions, he could be in charge of as few as 80 men or the entire camp. The centurions who led the centuries or the cohorts were men who led by example in battle. Consequently they had the highest casualty rates. A centurion was important as a leader and as an administrator.A Roman centurion was an officer in the Roman army. As there were eleven grades of centurions, he could be in charge of as few as 80 men or the entire camp. The centurions who led the centuries or the cohorts were men who led by example in battle. Consequently they had the highest casualty rates. A centurion was important as a leader and as an administrator.

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The army

What were roman army camps like?

Roman army camps, known as castra, were carefully planned and organized. They were typically rectangular in shape, surrounded by defensive walls and ditches. They contained various structures such as barracks for soldiers, headquarters for officers, granaries for food storage, and workshops for weapon maintenance. Camps were also designed to have efficient infrastructure, including roads, wells, and latrines. Overall, Roman army camps prioritized security, functionality, and the well-being of the soldiers.

How does Jason find out that Percy is at the Roman Camp and why is Percy at the Roman Camp?

Jason finds out that Percy is at the Roman Camp because they both have been switched by Hera to unite the two camps. Percy is at the Roman Camp to fulfill a greater prophecy and bring together the Greek and Roman demigods to face a common enemy.