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That does happen, and it's not as rare as I thought. Those who do challenge an incumbent President for the party nomination are usually not a serious threat, but there have been a few challenges in the past half century worth mentioning.

For example, in 1976, Ronald Reagan competed against incumbent President Gerald Ford for the Republican Party Nomination. That race was too close to call right until the Republican National Convention, where Ford narrowly won the nomination. He lost the election, however.

Also, in 1992 Pat Buchanan ran against incumbent President George H. W. Bush for the Republican Nomination. 73% of Republicans voted for Bush in the primaries.

In 1980 Ted Kennedy (the U.S. Senator from Mass. who died in 2009 and brother of the former President) competed for the Democratic Nomination against incumbent Jimmy Carter. Although Carter had 24 Primary wins to Kennedy's 10, Kennedy refused to concede until he lost the nomination in a 2129 to 1146 vote at the Convention.

Many were surprised when Eugene McCarthy ran against Lyndon Johnson for the 1968 Democratic nomination. Four years earlier Johnson had the highest percentage of popular votes of any U.S. presidential candidate since George Washington. After Johnson received only 49% of the vote at the New Hampshire primaries to McCarthy's 42%, Robert Kennedy also entered the race against Johnson. It became obvious to Johnson that the Democratic nomination was something that he was going to have to work for, but all his time was consumed by the war in Vietnam as well as the urban racial unrest domestically, so he withdrew from the election at the end of March 1968.

Pete McCloskey and John Ashbrook challenged Richard Nixon for the 1972 Republican nomination. Out of 1324 delegates to the Republican Convention, Nixon won 1323 and McCloskey won 1.

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How has the process of electing the president and vice president changed since 1800?

The runner up is no longer the automatic VP. The VP now runs with the presidential candidate instead of against. Also, the amount of propaganda has increased exponentially, and the whole dynamic is completely different. Considering that by 1800 we only had had two presidents, the election process has varied throughout the years. You may want to either pick a different time period, do some actual research, or just be lazy and completely forget about it. Any of these three solutions will provide you with sufficient contentment.

What is it called when someone runs for president?

The word "secede" seems strange here. People say a candidate withdrew or dropped out of the race, if he stopped seeking the nomination.

Is it important to belong to a political party?

No, you do have to be registered though, and every state has provision for unafilliated voters. Some states do require a party registration in order to vote in primary elections, those elections that choose the candidates that will be running in the regular election.

To whom do cabinet members report to?

The President is required to make occasional reports to Congress about the state of the union. The Constitution does not specify a frequency for these reports, but it is customary to make one every year. Recent Presidents do so in a personal address to a joint session of Congress each January. Past presidents sent their report in writing or made speeches at other times. One might also say he reports to the people after four years if he runs for re-election and he is subject to impeachment by the House and removal from office after a trial by the Senate if he violates the law or is derelict in his duties. Other than that, the President is at the top of the organization chart and reports to nobody.

The person who runs the senate when the vice PResident is away?

The Speaker of the United States House of Representatives (or Speaker of the House) is the presiding officer of the chamber. As of 2012, the Speaker of the House is Republican John Boehner of Ohio.

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