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The president is the commander-in-chief over all military powers in the US.

He consults with the military chiefs of staff but he is the commander and they serve at his will. Congress determines what the military will be and appropriates the funding for it.

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 9y ago

The president shares his military powers with congress. Congress has the power to declare war, but after the Vietnam War the War Powers Resolution was agreed to and the president has the power to send some troops for a limited time.

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โˆ™ 9y ago

The President of the United States shares power with the Congress, which itself is divided into the House and the Senate. The President does not declare war; he requests a 'declaration of war' from the Congress, who then vote 'yes' or 'no.'

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โˆ™ 11y ago

executive branch

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Q: Which branch of government shares the military powers with the President?
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No branch of government has ultimate control. Thankfully we have something called separation of powers (checks and balances). Example Congress legislative branch make laws. the president executive branch enforces them. the courts the judicial branch decides whether the law are constitutional. They interpret the law. Sadly over the years congress and given powers and extended the powers to the president.

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"Separation of powers," Means that each branch of government is independent

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The President, within the executive branch, has broad powers. He manages the workings of our federal government as well as national affairs.

What are separations of power?

In the government: the executive branch (president), legislative branch (house and senate), and judicial branch (supreme court), all have powers that balance that powers of the other branches out, so that one of them can't gain too much power.

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The Constitution

The organization of government?

The government's functions are divided among three branches: the legislative branch that makes the laws (Congress), the executive branch that carries out the laws (president), and the judicial branch that interprets the laws (courts). This division is known as theย separation of powers.ย In addition, under the system ofย checks and balances,ย the powers of one branch of government are limited by the powers given to another branch. Congress makes laws, but the president can veto legislation. Congress can override a president's veto with a two-thirds vote of both houses (a check on a check). While the president appoints judges to the Supreme Court, the Senate can reject an appointee through its power to give "advice and consent."

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The enumerated powers are those powers given to the Legislative Branch of government, which is Congress.

Who has enumerated power?

The President, Congress, and federal courts have enumerated powers outlined in the U.S. Constitution. These powers specifically grant each branch the authority to carry out certain roles and functions in the government.

What are the executive branche's powers?

The executive branch is the President of the United States. He is also the commander-in-chief of the US military. He has the right to implement and oversee the law that legislative branch passes. He also has the right to appoint military leaders and declare war.

How is there conflict between the executive and legislative branch over the issue of the military powers?

the president has authority over the military but congress holds the power to declare war so if the president and congress don't agree on the war topic there can be issues(:

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The Supreme Court also called the Judicial Branch of the government (The House of Representatives is part of the executive branch which the president is also in)