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The large body of water that extends southward into the Canadian Shield is the Hudson Bay. It has a surface area of 1,230,000 square kilometers.

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Q: Which large body of water extends southward into the Canadian Shield?
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The Canadian shield borders what large body of water?

The Canadian Shield borders Hudson's Bay.

What does the Canada's shield cover?

The Canadian shield covers a very large part of Canada.

Is West Edmonton Mall in the Canadian shield?

no, it's in Edmonton which is in the West. Canadian Shield is a large rock mass in Ontario & Quebec

Is Yellowknife in the Canadian shield?

Yes, Yellowknife is located within the Canadian Shield region. The Canadian Shield covers a large portion of Northern Canada, including the area where Yellowknife is situated in the Northwest Territories.

Is the cn tower in the Canadian shield?

No, the CN Tower is not located in the Canadian Shield. The Canadian Shield is a large geological region in Canada that consists of ancient rock formations. The CN Tower is a freestanding structure located in downtown Toronto, Ontario, which is not part of the Canadian Shield region.

Is a large body of water that is surrounded by the Canadian Shield?


What is the large bay North of the Canadian Shield?

The Hudson Bay

What is Canada's largest land form?

The Canadian Shield is the largest natural landform in Canada. It is a large piece of igneous and metamorphic rocks.

Are there more then fifteen animals in the Canadian Shield?

Yes. The Canadian Shield is a large part of Canada, and many more than fifteen animals live there.

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It extends from the North African coast southward across a large part of Sahara. It is bounded by Tunisia on the east and Marocco on the west.

What can be found in Canadian shield?

The Canadian shield was initially formed due to volcanic activity and large mountains. Now it is a large geographic area that is made up of bare rock that can be dated back to Precambrian Shield.

How many kids live in Canadian shield?

The Canadian Shield region is mainly composed of rocks, lakes, and forests, and is not a residential area for children. The Canadian Shield covers a large portion of Canada, but the population is concentrated in cities and towns outside of this rocky landscape.