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Its roots are in the debates over ratification of the Constitution in 1787-1789. The people who supported ratification organized and aided each other in securing passage. Once the Constitution was ratified they still held similar views and had similar interests so they naturally continued to work together to further their common goals.

Federalist PartyThe Federalist Party did not begin as a political party. The Federalists were those Americans who supported the ratification of the new Constitution of the United States. Those who were against ratification called themselves Anti-Federalists. By the end of Washington's second term, two political parties had developed. Those who supported a strong central government called themselves Federalists, as the Constitution had created a "federal" system of government. The Democratic-Republicans believed that the states should have more power than the national government. Alexander Hamilton and John Adams were leaders of the Federalist Party. With the election of Jefferson, a leader of the Democratic-Republicans, in 1800, the Federalists lost most of their power and faded from the American political scene.
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18y ago

The Federalist Party was a political party during the First Party System in the United States, 1792-1816. It was formed by Alexander Hamilton who built a network of supporters in Congress and in the states about 1792 to support his fiscal policies; it came to support a strong national government, a loose construction of the constitution, and a more mercantile, less agricultural economy. Its early leaders included John Adams and Alexander Hamilton. Its great hero was George Washington (even though he was opposed to political parties). In the long run its most influential member was Chief Justice John Marshall. It was opposed by the Republican Party, led by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. (Sometimes labeled the "Democratic-Republican Party" by historians, this Republican Party has no direct link to the modern Republican Party.) From 1793 to 1815, covering most of the existence of the Federalist Party, Great Britain and France were fighting a series of wars that would become known as the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars. This European struggle kept threatening to spill over into North America, and the two parties became identified with support with one or the other of the combatants: Federalists strongly admired and supported Britain, and supported the Jay Treaty with Britain. The Republicans strongly opposed monarchical Britain and tended to favor France because it supported republicanism (until Napoleon became emperor in 1801). After 1801 the Republicans continued to oppose Britain but were somewhat hostile toward France because Napoleon had rejected republicanism. The Federalists controlled the government for all of the 1790s, and, by 1798, they were arming the country to fight a threatened war with France. A naval war called the Quasi-War did break out in 1798 but no land war. The Republicans vehemently opposed the Federalist war program, issuing the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798. Republicans took over Congress and the Presidency in the "Revolution of 1800". The Federalists withdrew to their New England strongholds until the War of 1812 aroused enough opposition to the Republicans to give them another chance. The Federalists were unable to capitalize on this opportunity, however, and, with the end of the war in 1815, the party dissolved nearly everywhere.

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12y ago

The Federalist Party was assembled during the debates over ratification of the Constitution in 1787-1789. The people who supported ratification organized and aided each other in securing passage. Once the Constitution was ratified they still held similar views concerning the importance of Federal Unity and Industrialism and had similar, so they naturally continued to work together to further their common goals.

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9y ago

The Democratic-Republican Party was founded by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson as an opposing voice to Alexander Hamilton's Federalists. The party consisted of many people identified as Anti-Federalists during the Constitutional Convention.

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11y ago

The Federalist Party declined in disgrace and no later political party claimed to have started out as the Federalist Party. However, many of the die-hard Federalists in New England participated in the formation of the Republican Party in 1856.

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Alexander Hamilton

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It was founded in 1792

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Q: Who started the federalist party?
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The Federalist Party was led by Alexander Hamilton

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James Madison and Thomas Jefferson started the Democratic-Republican party (but they just called it the Republican party). They created the Republican party to oppose the Federalist party. The Republican party that they created was the second political party in the United States.