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Q: Why did slaveholders oppose the wilmot proviso?
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Why did slaveholders claim the wilmot proviso was unconstitutional?

Slaveholders opposed the Wilmot Proviso because Slaveholders argued that slaves were property by the Constitution

Why did slaveholders oppose the Wilmo proviso?

Slaveholders opposed the Wilmot Proviso because it sought to prohibit slavery in the newly acquired territories from the Mexican-American War. They saw it as a threat to their way of life and ability to expand slavery into new territories. Additionally, they believed it violated their property rights.

Why did slaveholders oppose the wilmont proviso?

Slaveholders opposed the Wilmot Proviso because it aimed to prohibit slavery in the territories acquired from Mexico after the Mexican-American War. They feared it would limit the expansion of slavery into new territories and potentially undermine the balance of power between free and slave states in Congress.

Why did the south oppose the wilmot proviso?

because slaves were property protected by the constitution

Why did slaveholders claim that the Wilmette proviso was unconstitutional?

Slaveholders claimed the Wilmot Proviso was unconstitutional because they argued that it violated the Fifth Amendment rights of slaveholders by depriving them of their property (slaves) without due process of law. They believed that Congress did not have the authority to ban slavery in the territories.

What is a proposed law that prohibited slavery in any lands won from Mexico?

wilmot proviso

What was the unstated goal of the Wilmot Proviso?

What was the unstated goal of the Wilmot Proviso?

How did southerners react to the wilmot proviso?

Southerners opposed the Wilmot Proviso. This is because the Wilmot Proviso established peace with Mexico, and the land that Mexico owned was in the South.

What best is the best description of the wilmot proviso?

Wilmot's Proviso brought the future of slavery to everyone.

What called for a ban on slavery in any territory that the United States acquired from the war with Mexico?

The Wilmot Proviso qualifies as such. It however, was one of the leading causes of the American Civil War (1861-1865)

What plan specified that slavery should be prohibited in any lands that might acquired from Mexico?

The Wilmot Proviso (1846) prohibited slavery on any land acquired from Mexico.

Why did the South perceive the Wilmot Proviso as such a threat?

Because the Wilmot Proviso sought to halt the extension of slavery in the western territories