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Because the supreme court has a lot of power. Their rulings can set government policies, can nullify laws. In addition supreme court justices are nominated for life, so they keep this powers for years, possible decades. This power is derived from the deliberate vagueness of the Constitution (example: what is torture? is the right of the mother to protect her body higher than the right to life of the unborn child?) The Court of Justice plays a major role in abortion, single sex marriage and other high profile situations. At this moment the majority of the judges are nominated by republic presidents (conservatives?), if Obama nominates more liberal judges this can actually result in a major change in the American society.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

This is an example of the checks and balances system. If the President was allowed to appoint justices without any oversight, it would essentially grant the Executive branch power over the Judicial branch, which would then invalidate the Legislative branch.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

The Supreme Court hears very important cases that result in a interpretation of our Constitution and depending how a justice views the constitution the laws he/she makes decisions about can change the law in the United States. The Supreme Court hears cases that affect all of us in many ways, so the appointment is very important on how the court will react to future cases it hears. Since a justice sits for life they can be on the bench for 20 to 30 years.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The 3 parts of the Federal government balance each other so that no one part can take over all the power.

The Supreme Court places controls on Congress to keep them in balance, and the President can nominate a person with his same ideas to replace a Justice who has retired or died. But to balance the President, his nomination must be approved by Congress.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

The appointment of Supreme Court Justices is important to anyone with sharply defined opinions about Constitutional law issues. Supreme Courts justices are appointed for life and likely to stay in office for many years and have a profound influence on the direction of the country long after the president has left office and maybe even long after his party has lost power. The Supreme Court is tremendously powerful because there is no way to reverse its decisions except by changing the Constitution and that is a slow arduous process.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

because justices serve a life term. the president wants to choose someone who can run the judicial branch well, and fair.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

balance of power

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βˆ™ 12y ago


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Q: Why is the fact that the president gets to nominate new supreme court justices important?
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Who has the power to nominate supreme court justice?

The power to appoint Supreme Court justices belongs exclusively to the President of the United States.

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The President can nominate Supreme Court justices (including the Chief Justice) and federal judges, but the Senate must vote their approval before the person is actually appointed.

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The president nominates supreme court justices. (also "technically" the president selects the vice president "after" he is elected, so the president "sort-of" nominates the vice president too.) . Hope that helps.

How are supreme count justices appointed?

supreme court justices are appointed by the president . The president will normally pick a person who he feels to be more qualified candidate but also someone whose views are same as the president. a president can only nominate a person for supreme court justice during the term in which he is serving and only if a spot on the supreme court is available. he cannot unseat a sitting justice to appoint a new person.

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Supreme court justices are appointed by the president.

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Supreme court justices are appointed by the president with?

Supreme court justices are appointed by the president with the advice and consent of the Senate.

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The president appoints the supreme court justices

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The ability to nominate Justices to the US Supreme Court. :)

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Supreme Justices are nominated by the Senate.Then, the President appoints the justices. Therefore,the executive branch appoints supreme court justices

The president's most important influence over the court is the power to?

The United States Constitution includes rigid separation of powers, simultaneously counteracted by a system of checks and balances. The American president as chief executive can influence courts through their selection of nominees based on political leanings. That being said this power in turn is checked and can be negated by the Senate's authority to deny confirmation of judicial nominees.