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The exact cause of arthritis is still not known. And while exercise is helpful in dealing with the effects of Arthritis. A lack of it is not held responsible for the development of arthritis.

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Q: Can you develop arthritis or pain in your muscles and joints when you dont get a lot of exercise?
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How do you have a less chance of arthritis if you exercise?

Exercise will not reduce your chance of getting arthritis. You either have it or you don't. However exercise and strong muscles will reduce stress on the joints affected by arthritis and as a result alleviate the pain that so often comes with it.

How arthritis can be reduced by exercise?

Exercise wont reduce arthritis, however it may be useful in strengthening muscles that will help support arthritic joints and thereby increase mobility and comfort.

What is a geriatric inflammatory disorder of the muscles and joints?

A geriatric inflammatory is disorder of the muscles and joints. This is a type of rheumatoid arthritis and is characterized by pain.

How can you get rid of your arthritis?

You can't get rid of it..but you can make it better. It really depends on what type of arthritis you have..(osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis.) Loosing weight and exercise helps both kinds. Strengthening the muscles, ligaments, and tendons around the arthritic joints helps to support them and slow the damage.

How does exercise keep muscles strong and joints flexible?

it keeps the muscles strong becuase they and allways being used if you exercise and the joints and flexible because they and always being moved about

Can you have arthritis after an injury?

Yes it is not uncommon for OA to develop at injured joints.

Condition in which joints are limited in their range of motion because muscles are too short?


What would be some warning signs of arthritis?

Stiffness and or pain in and around joints and joint muscles. A predisposition towards arthritis in the family.

Individuals with arthritis should workout at least how many times a day?

That depends on the form of arthritis they have and on what damage the arthritis has caused, however exercise that strengthen muscles that support affected joints should be kept as strong as possible. It may be wise to seek professional advice as the circumstances differ from case to case.

How do you prevent degenerative spinal arthritis?

There is no cure for arthritis. The only avenue open to you is to strengthen the muscles surrounding the vertebrae to better support the affected joints,

What are the five common treatments for arthritis?

weight loss and exercise to help joints and to help muscles better suport arthritic joints. Analgesics (pain killers) Non steroidal inti inflammatory. Steroidal anti inflammatory. disease modifying drugs such as methotrexate or plaqiunil

Which kind of exercise helps joints and muscles move more easily?
