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The main criticism of the Articles of Confederation was to provide adequate powers for the central government. The State Government had too much power.

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Q: What criticism of the articles of confederation and which government did they say they had too much of it?
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A major criticism of the articles of confederation was that too much power had been given to the?

state government

How did state respond to the weaknesses of the articles of confederation?

Articles of Confederation gave the States to much power and the Federal government had no control over the states.

Why did the central government under the articles of confederation given such limited powers?

The central government was more limited under the Articles Of Confederation than under the Constitution. People did not trust the government to have too much power. It looks like they were right.

What is the downfall of the Articles of Confederation?

The downfall of the Articles of Confederation was that it limited too much of the power of the central government. This game all states the ability to act as their own government. This caused much fighting between the states.

Why did the Articles of Confederation fail as a system of government?

The Articles of Confederation created a loose confederation of 13 independent states with a weak central government instead of creating one united nation with a strong central government like the constitution.

What was the main reason that the Articles of Confederation failed?

The State Government had too much power

Why did anti federalist want to keep the Articles of confederation?

Because the Articles of confederation didn't give the government too much power. If you didn't know what an anti-federalist is, they are people at the constitutional convention who didn't want the federal government to have too much power.

Did the articles of confederation give the government too much or too little power?

they gave the government too little power

The articles of confederation reflected americans fear of?

The Articles of Confederation were written to reduce a strong central government seizing power and creating a tyrannical situation in the newly created United States. The former colonists distrusted powerful government, and the Articles were written to spread governmental power into the individual states as much as possible.

Under the Articles of Confederation the power to declare war and negotiate peace rested with the?

central government had the power to declare war and negotiate peace

What type of government of the articles of Confederation create?

States had more power. They did not want the federal government to have too much power like Britain/Parliament. What couldn't Congress do under the Articles of Confederation? Congress couldn't regulate trade or collect taxes.

What was the Weakness of the government under articles of confederation?

The federal government under the Articles of Confederation did not have much direct power over the states. It could not directly tax any commerce, or regulate trade, and did not have a provision for a national army. There was also no chief executive.