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The popping sound is the sound of gasses namely nitrogen and Carbon dioxide being released from the synovial fluid in the joint . it may be a sign that there is a degree of wear and tear in the area.

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Q: What is it when your ankles pop when you walk?
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Why do ankles crack when you walk?

"Cracking joints" are an interesting and poorly understood phenomenon. There are many theories as to why joints crack or pop, but the exact cause is simply not known.

Why do cats rub their scent on you when they walk between your ankles?

To mark you as their territory

Why do my ankles hurt so much?

the way u walk on it makes it hurt

What is a cure for if you always have and urge to crack your ankles?

Lol there is no cure for cracking your ankles, fingers, neck etc. It's just a habit you have to learn, control and break of. if you pop your fingers as a teen and you continue on as you get older they'll begin to swell up and get sore. same as if you pop your neck. one day you'll pop you neck and you wont be able to move your head anymore.

How do you pop your knee?

i typically pop my knees unintentionally when i walk. it just happens. i dont think i could do it on purpose. i can sometimes feel it about to happen right before it does, and sometimes it just completely takes me by surprise. now, my ankles and shoulders i can pop intentionally. to pop your shoulders, bend your elbows and raise your fist to around your shoulder, then move your elbow from front to back fairly fast (some people need to rotate their elbows in a circular motion, just depends on the person/joints). this will pop your shoulder socket, and makes you feel more loose in the arms. now to pop your ankles, simply bring your toes up as much as you can and then move your feet in a clock-wise motion until it pops. if clockwise does not work then try counter-clockwise. everyone is different, so what works for me may not work for you...

How do you get the cheese in pop tropica?

well all you do is walk on it.

What does 'shanks pony' mean?

The slang term "Shanks Pony" Means To Walk There. Your shanks are the parts of your legs between your knees and your ankles.

Which pop star was in the movie A Walk to Remember?

Mandy Moore.

Who started the moon walk?

king of pop michacel Jackson

What is elasticated ankles?

Elasticated ankles are, clothing that have an elastic finishing at the ankles.

Do toddlers need high tops so they don't roll their ankles?

No this isn't necessary. It can actually be harmful to the child's ability to walk. They get used to having a "guide" inside the shoe and then it's harder for them to walk without them.

Can you pop your knee out of place and walk after you popped it out of place?

you can but leaving your leg straight is the only way to walk. if you bend your knee as your about to walk youll be in great pain