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Any planet moves faster when it is in perihelion. It might be said that "falling toward the Sun" the Earth acquired more speed. In June, when it is again moving away from the Sun (against the Sun's gravity), its speed is less.

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Q: Why does the earth move faster in January?
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Does earth move faster in its orbit near January or near July?

It moves faster in January, because that is when it is closest to the Sun (yes, really; the Earth's tilt has a larger impact on its seasons than its proximity to the sun does).

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No. Earth moves in an ellipse around the Sun; when it is closest to the Sun (at its periapsis, in January), it moves faster, and when it is furthest from the Sun (at its apapsis), it moves slower.

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No. The speed of the moon's orbit does not depend on Earth's spin; it depends on Earth's mass. However, a faster spin on Earth's part would make the moon appear to move across the sky faster, as it would for the sun and stars.

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Light can move faster. Did you know that light from the Sun can reach Earth in just 8 minutes?

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In elliptical orbits, all bodies travel faster when nearest the "primary"; in this case, the Sun. Since the Earth's orbit isn't very eccentric (meaning that it is almost but not quite circular) the difference between perihelion velocity and aphelion velocity isn't very great.

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