The 1988 Jeep windshield wiper motor is located on the firewall in the engine compartment. The wiper motor will be in the center of the firewall.
Its mounted on the washer pump/wiper motor.
The washer pump on a 1988 Monte is located in front (attached) of the wiper motor. Three Torx screws removes it. Tony E.
it on the top left side of the wiper motor where the plug goes in
If you are standing at the front of the car, the module is located on the right side of the firewall by the windshield wiper motor....
Broken or disconnected wiper transmission (linkage)?
look on the bottom of the washer fill tank.
when u turn wipers off they stay at up position. while in up position remove wiper arms from vehicle then place wiper arms at down position and renistall on wiper motor shaft. that should fix the problem
Could be the covering over the wiper motor.
on a 6 cylendar 1988 jeep wrangler what viscosity oil is used
88 Sahara should have the 258 I-6 motor. The fuel pump is mechanical & on the passenger side of the motor. Good luck....
No, they had an electrical fuel pump located in the tank.
It has an inline fuel filter connected to the carb via hose conection.