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A "high-energy bond" in ATP releases a large amount of energy when the phosphate group is split off during hydrolysis.

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Q: A high energy bond in ATP is formed when ATP is hydrolzed to ADP and one phosphate group?
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When a phosphate group is removed from an ATP molecule what type of molecule is formed?

when a phosphate group is removed from ATP energy is released and the molecule ADP is formed.

What molecule is formed when ATP loses a phosphate group and releases energy?

ADP (Adenosine diphosphate) Technically, ATP breaks into ADP and a molecule of inorganic phosphate.

When adding or taking away a phosphate group when is energy released and required?

when you add a phosphate group it requires energy

When is energy released from ATP?

( a phosphate group is removed.) when the chemical bond between the second and third phosphate groups is broken, creating adenosine diphosphate, a phosphate group, and releasing energy.

When the ATP molecules give up a phosphate group it becomes what molecule?

Energy forms because of breakage of high-energy bond between adenosine-diphosohate and a third phosphate bound to it. energy value is not significantly known but is said to have value around 7.3kCal(~30.5kJ). Energy formed is mostly chemical rather than physical.

What functional group transfers energy?

Phosphate Group -PO3H2

What process adds the third phosphate to an ADP molecule?

The third phosphate group releases energy using hydrolysis. Then, the third phosphate group will be released too. The adenosine diphosphate (ADP) will absorb the energy back to regain the third phosphate group.

What is released when a ATP looses a phosphate?

ATP (adinine triphosphate) loses a phosphate group to become ADP (adinine diphosphate). The phosphate group was released is referred to as inorganic phosphate. There is also a release of energy as the high energy phosphate bonds are cleaved.

What is formed when a phosphate group is hydrolyzed from a nucleotide?

Nucleic Acid

Why is it that the phosphate end of ATP stores potential energy?

Energy is stored the bond connecting the phosphate group. When it is removed it releases energy.

Where does the energy add a phosphate group to ADP to form ATP come from?

Energy is needed to add a third phosphate group to ADP to make ATP. What is a cell's source of this energy?

When is energy released in ATP when?

Energy is released when phosphate group is removed.