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Proteases are enzymes that degrade/digest proteins

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Q: Enzyme complexes that break down protein are called?
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What is it called when an enzymes active site loses its shape?

When this happens to a protein, it is said to denature.Denature is caused commonly by very high or low temperature,concentrated acids or bases.Denature by high temperature is irrevesible.

What enzyme break down of protein to peptides?

peptidase enzyme

Enzyme that breaks down Protein?

The general name for these enzymes is proteases

How amylase enzyme change on heating?

Most proteins including enzymes are very sensitive to heat. When heated it will break the bonds that give the protein its shape. The protein only functions because of its shape. So when we heat a protein/enzyme, it changes its shape and it no longer functions. This process is called denaturation.

Is cellulase a carbohydrate or a protein?

Cellulase is an enzyme that break down celluse a complex organic molecule into simpler molecule like glucose and as such being an enzyme, it is also protein in nature.

What essential nutrient does protease break down?

A protease is an enzyme that breaks down protein.

Does amylase break down tissue meat?

No, you need protease to break down meat.

Which substrate is digested by the enzyme protease?

Proteases break down proteins by hydrolysis (addition of a water molecule to break a bond) into amino acids. The substrate the protease enzyme works on is protein. Enzymes are often named for the substrates they catalyse (or break down).

Which enzyme the hydrolyzes protein?

Amylase hydrolyzes carbohydrates, lipases breakdown lipids/fats, and proteases break down protein.

How does meat tenderizer break down protein?

Typically, they contain an enzyme (a biological catalyst) that speeds up the break-down (into smaller molecules) of the long tough protein fibers of meat.

What enzyme breaks down fats?

Enzyme that break down fatty acids are called lipases. Bile is a substance made in our liver which contains salts that breaks down fat into smaller droplets. The pancreas also contains a substance called pancreatic juice which contains numerous enzymes that work to break down things such as fat, protein and starch.

What enzymes break down protein and fat?

pancrelipase is the enzyme that breaks down protein and fat