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it would be wiser to sit down and relax after a heavy meal becaus all of your energy has been used to digest your food. but if you are looking to lose some wait but not need to eat less it is wise to work out or run a mile before you eat because your body will be working alot faster and your matabilism speeds up for 30-45 minutes this means you will digest your food faster and the fat will not have as much time to be collected into your body. so eat well rest plentiful and excrecise regularly and you will have a swimsuit body in about 3 weeks if you keep a regular rutine of this. good luck

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1mo ago

It is generally wiser to rest after a heavy meal to allow proper digestion. Exercise immediately after a heavy meal can divert blood flow away from the digestive system, which may lead to discomfort or indigestion. Light activities like walking after a meal can aid digestion without causing stress on the body.

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13y ago

Rest.... always, your body will take blood from other areas to help the stomach in digesting the food ( this is why you feel sleepy after a large meal ) plus all the exursion on a full stomach will most likely result in vomiting :(

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Q: Is it wiser to rest or exercise after a heavy meal?
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Is it better to exercise or rest before sweezing a clothespin?

It is better to rest before you squeeze the clothespin, because your muscles aren't tired.If you exercise before squeezing the clothespin than you and your muscles will be tired, because you have just finished a weared out exercise

How long should you rest after working out?

Rest time after working out can vary depending on the intensity and duration of the exercise. Generally, allowing 24-48 hours of rest between workouts for the same muscle group is recommended to allow for recovery and muscle growth. Listen to your body and adjust rest time as needed to avoid overtraining.

Im still drunk the next day?

Make sure to drink plenty of water to hydrate your body and get some rest to allow your body to recover. Eating a healthy meal and getting some light exercise can also help. If you're feeling very unwell or if your symptoms persist, it's best to seek medical attention.

How can you avoid overtraining?

To avoid overtraining, it's important to listen to your body and give it adequate time to rest and recover. Make sure to vary your workouts to prevent constant stress on the same muscles, and incorporate rest days into your routine. Proper nutrition, hydration, and sleep are also essential to support your body's recovery process.

Is it true that Exercise a good diet and plenty of rest can lower the risk for disease?

Yes, regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate rest are all key components of a healthy lifestyle that can help lower the risk of developing various diseases. Exercise boosts the immune system, a healthy diet provides essential nutrients, and sufficient rest allows the body to repair and recharge. Combining these habits can improve overall health and reduce the likelihood of disease.

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Dumplings can be used as appetizers, meal starters or just a dish with the rest of the food.

Should you exercise before or after a meal?

Exercise should be performed in the morning on empty stomach and it is good to have light breakfast after exercise. One should also remember that don't just rest after meals. It is good to have slow walk for 10-15 minutes after meals. Very important thing about exercise, which I always convey to all my patients is "How much exercise you do is not important but how regular you do is more important". Do not give a break to exercise even if it is your own wedding day. Generally, it's best to exercise after meals. Your body needs readily available energy to burn in order to perform well and exercising when you're hungry and deprived of energy isn't the best. On the other hand, exercising strenuously immediately after a meal could cause cramps or an upset stomach- it's probably best to wait a half hour or more after a meal before exercising. If you are about to exercise, a light snack such as a protein-enriched granola bar might be best if it's a while before your next meal.

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The best way to promote optimal activity, exercise, rest, and sleep is to be a good model. You must be what you preach.

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No but it Isn't the healthyest rest stop.

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