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Lactic acid fermentation occurs due to the lack of oxygen in the the muscle cells

Aerobic respiration requires oxygen as an electron receiver to complete the electron transport system, so without it, the cells will be unable to undergo normal respiration and will resort to lactic acid fermentation

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When cellular respiration has used up the oxygen (aerobic). It then goes into anaerobic modes of energy production (without oxygen), which would be fermentation.

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Lactic acid fermentation occurs in muscle cells when _____ is in low supply

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Q: Lactic acid fermentation occurs in muscle cells when is in low supply?
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What kind of fermentation occurs in the muscle tissue of animals?

muscle cell do not undergo fermentation but anaerobic respiration which is the incomplete break down of glucose to energy and lattic acid; fermentation only occur in plant or anaerobic bacteria such as yeast.

Does that Skeletal muscle produces lactic acid when the body connot supply enough oxygen?

yes but not sure :P

What are the sources of ATP for muscle fibers?

There are three sources that supply ATP for muscle metabolism - 1. Creatinine phosphate 2. Glycogen 3. Cellular respiration in the mitochondria of fibers Creatinine phosphate is the main source of ATP for muscle metabolism.

What source can supply enough ATP for about 90 seconds?

200- or 300-meters sprint..this may be just enough to reach the finish line.who ever wrote that is a complete idiot and obviously has never taken Biology...just a tip make sure you know your stuff before answering the question by the way the correct answer isLATIC ACID FERMINTATION

Why does lactic acid form?

Under normal circumstances, your cells produce the energy they need to move and/or resist loads by combusting sugars (aerobic). There are, however, circumstances in which the supply of oxygen to cells is insufficient to keep up with the demand. one example of this might be muscle cells in the legs of someone who is sprinting a long distance. the sprinting person cannot breathe in oxygen fast enough to supply the muscle. another example could be a pathological condition such as a heart attack. without proper blood flow - blood will not get oxygenated and as a result muscles will have to work in the absence of oxygen (even for someone "at rest" when cells must obtain their energy in the absence of oxygen, the metabolic by-product is lactic acid.

Related questions

Lactic acid fermentation occurs in muscle cells when what is low in supply?


What is the name of the fermentation used by muscle cells?

The type of fermentation that sometimes occurs in human muscle cells is Lactic Acid fermentation.

Lactic acid fermentation occurs in muscle cell when is in low supply?

Lactic acid fermentation occurs due to the lack of oxygen in the the muscle cells Aerobic respiration requires oxygen as an electron receiver to complete the electron transport system, so without it, the cells will be unable to undergo normal respiration and will resort to lactic acid fermentation

When do cells use fermentation?

fermentation occurs in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic respiration). in muscle cells, when the blood supply is inadequate, anaerobic respiration takes place and the glucose is converted into lactic acid in the absence of oxygen :)

What kind of fermentation occurs in the muscle tissue of animals?

muscle cell do not undergo fermentation but anaerobic respiration which is the incomplete break down of glucose to energy and lattic acid; fermentation only occur in plant or anaerobic bacteria such as yeast.

When muscles are contracting under oxygen deficient conditions what is formed to ensure they maintain a supply of ATP?

Muscle cells produce lactic acid during anaerobic fermentation. A buildup of lactic acid cause your muscles to feel tired.

What is lactic acid fermentaion?

ALCHOLIC FERMENTATION:- It occurs in bacteria,yeast etc. In this type of anaerobic resipiration pyruvic acid is further broken down into alcohol. Lactic fermentation:- It occurs in skeletal muscles of humans and other animals during extreme physical activities (when oxygen supply is not sufficent) and in bacteria present in milk. In lactic acid fermentation pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid.This process is involved in the production of yogurt.

Where and why does lactic acid fermentation take place?

Lactic acid fermentation takes place in the mitochondria of muscle cells.

What is latic acid fermentation?

Lactic acid fermentation happens when cells convert sugars, when oxygen is in short supply or not present, into lactate. It is done by bacteria, yeast, an animal muscle cells. Lactic acid fermentation is important for the production of yogurt, kefir, most cheeses, sauerkraut, kimchi, fermented pickles, and some types of beer, such as Berliner Weiss Bier.

When o2 supply is inadequate pyuvate is converted to?

Pyruvate is converted to ethanol in alcohol fermentation.It is converted to lactic acid in lactic acid fermentation.

What does fermentation in the muscles produce?

Lactic acid fermentation takes place in human muscle cells when strenuous exercise causes temporary oxygen shortages.

How does fermentation affect the muscular system?

In muscle cells, form of fermentation takes place. When muscle cells contract too frequently (as in strenuous exercise), they rapidly use up their oxygen supply. As a result, the electron transport system and Krebs cycle slow considerably, and ATP production is slowed. However, muscle cells have the ability to produce a small amount of ATP through glycolysis in the absence of oxygen. The muscle cells convert glucose to pyruvic acid. Then an enzyme in the muscle cells converts the pyruvic acid to lactic acid. Eventually, however, the lactic acid buildup causes intense fatigue, and the muscle cell stops contracting.Cited Fermentation. 1 Mar 2011