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A chromosome is a whole lot of genes strung together. Each gene is made of DNA. To confuse matters further, as well as having lots of genes in every chromosome, there is also a lot of "extra" DNA. This DNA is called "non-coding" DNA and we don't really know what it does yet. In fact there is much more non-coding DNA in every chromosome than genes.

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Q: What is a choromosome and how are they related to genes and DNA?
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How are genes are protein related?

Genes are made up of DNA. DNA have codes to form proteins

What include the DNA molecules chromosomes nucleosomes histones?

A choromosome is made up of DNA strand and the folding of DNA to form a choromosome is done with the help of histone proteins so DNA with histone forms nucleosome which give rise to a structure known as chromosome

How alleles and genes related?

Genes and alleles are related because alleles are inside a gene. Genes are made up by alleles. A gene is DNA. The allele is like piece of DNA inside a gene.

What does non-genetic mean?

Not related to DNA. Genes are what are inherited from your parents, which is why you have similar traits to your parents. Genes are made from DNA.

How are DNA the nucleus chromosomes genes and traits related?

its not

Explain how DNA genes and chromosomes are related?

DNA is the molecule that genes are made of. Chromosomes are the (arbitrary) clumping that genes form in cells.

What are choromosome made from?

Chromosomes are made up of DNA

How are genes chromosomes and alleles related?

Well, Alleles are a forms of genes that can be dominant or recessive,a gene is a part of a strand of DNA, and a strand of DNA is made up of genes Hope This Helped

How is the Genome Project related to your DNA?

The Genome Project is related to your DNA because scientists have to study each one of your genes, or traits.

What best describes the way that genes chromosomes and DNA are related?

your mother

Are genes in DNA or are DNA in geans?

genes are in DNA