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The answer is 6,482 moles.

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Q: How many moles of atoms are in 382 g Co?
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How many moles of atoms are contained in 382 g Co?

382 g Co contain 6,482 moles.

How many moles of atoms are contained in 382g Co?

How many moles of atoms are contained in 382 g Co

How many moles of atoms are contained in 22.6 g of the Co?

1 mole Co = 58.933g Co (atomic weight in grams)1 mole Co atoms = 6.022 x 1023 atoms CoConvert grams Co to moles Co.22.6g Co x (1 mole Co/58.933g) Co = 0.383 mole CoConvert mole Co to atoms Co.0.383 mole Co x (6.022 x 1023 atoms Co/1 mole Co) = 2.31 x 1023 atoms Co

How many moles of Co are in 6billion of Co atoms?

I think you would take the 6 billion atoms and divide it by Avogadro's number which is the number of atoms in a mole of a element by definition. I don't remember the value of that number but someone will.

How many moles of CO are produced when 1.4 moles C reacts?

1,4 moles of CO are produced.

How many moles are in 4.54 L of CO?

4,54 L of CO have 0,182 moles.

How many moles of CO are produced from 5 moles o2?

The answer is 10 moles of carbon monoxide.2 C + O2 = 2 CO

How many moles of CO molecules are in 52g CO?


How many grams of carbon monoxide (CO) are there in 2.55 moles of the ompound?

2,55 moles of the compound CO have 71,4 grams.

How many atoms are in 1.5 moles of water (H2O)?

Assuming you meant Carbon monoxide (CO): (1.5)* (6.02*10^23) = 9.03*10^23 molecules CO That could be written as: 903,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 molecules

How many moles of Co are there in 26.3 grams of?

26,3 g cobalt is equivalent to 0,446 moles.

How many carbon atoms are in 5.34 grams of tungsten hexacarbonyl?

5.34 grams W(CO)6 (1 mole W(CO)6/351.86 grams)(6 moles C/1 mole W(CO)6)(6.022 X 1023/1 mole C) = 5.48 X 1022 atoms of carbon ========================