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There are one or two electrons in the ns sublevel for s-block elements, the sum of electrons in ns and (n-1)d levels equals the group number in d-block elements, and the number of electrons in the np sublevel equals the group number minus twelve in p-block elements.

You can find this info in table 2 on page 147 of the Modern Chemistry textbook.

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12y ago

well techincally group configurataion and group numbers for elements are not in the same molecular definiton as the s p and d block so most likely the relative informality of the relationship is their size, quantity, numerical code, and bisecular prodontications. You're very welcome. also pie and chicken nuggets

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12y ago

Elements in groups 1 and 2 have their outermost electrons in an s orbital; elements in groups 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 have their outermost electrons in a p orbital.

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Q: What are the relationships between group configuration and group number for elements in the s p and d block?
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What are the relationships between group configuration and group number for elements in the s p and d-blocks?

There are one or two electrons in the ns sublevel for s-block elements, the sum of electrons in ns and (n-1)d levels equals the group number in d-block elements, and the number of electrons in the np sublevel equals the group number minus twelve in p-block elements. You can find this info in table 2 on page 147 of the Modern Chemistry textbook.

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The number of protons is equal to atomic number. The periodicity of chemical properties depends on the outermost shell of electrons.

How do scientists classify elements?

If you are thinking about the name , then the answer is random , but if you want to know where it will be on/in The PSE then its by the number of electrons they have (electronic configuration).

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They are not! It is a prevalent myth that the elements are organized so that elements with the same configuration are organized into the same group, but all that really matters is the number of valence electrons, and that much is guaranteed by the arrangement in order of atomic number.So we have for example in group 10, Ni with configuration [Ar] 3d8 4s2 , Pd with configuration [Kr] 4d10 , and Pt with configuration [Xe] 4f14 5d9 6s1.Group 4 is characterized (supposedly) by the electron configuration d2 s2 but thorium which has this configuration is not placed in this group but in the actinides.

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The number of electrons in the outermost shell is the group number.

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