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I dont think there are ISPs who do that unless they have to comply with law enforcement and that means you are doing something illegal on the internet anyways. If you are looking for great alternative for an ISP in Canada check out IVC Tel

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13y ago

no, and it's probably part of your user agreement,

"the ISP giveth, and the ISP taketh away, blessed be the ISP"


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Q: Is it wrong for an ISP to expel someone for hate speech?
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What to do if someone posts hate speech about you on Youtube?

Report the video and the account.

Can a question and answer website be charged with a hate crime for allowing too many questions of the wrong type?

No. There are no speech-related hate crimes in the United States.

What are some purposes constitutes hate speech?

A speech, involving hate

What is hate speech?

Hate speech refers to any form of communication that expresses discrimination, hostility, or violence towards a particular group based on characteristics such as race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, or nationality. It can incite harm, violence, or discrimination against individuals or groups and is often used to spread fear and promote discrimination. Hate speech is not protected under freedom of speech laws in many countries due to its harmful and damaging impact on society.

Are there any governmental laws against hate speech?

Yes, hate speech laws are apart of the First Amendment of the US Constitution. The amendment prohibits the regulation of speech even hate speech.

What part of speech is hate?

A noun, verb, or adjective:Hate is a dangerous vice. (noun, subject of the sentence)I hate him. (verb)He was arrested for his hate speech. (adjective, describes the noun 'speech')

Is it wrong to hate gay people?

Yes, it is morally and universally wrong to hate people based on the way they were born. However, many countries, including the U.S. have freedom of speech. So as long as a person is not advocating violence, or damaging property, they are legally free to verbally hate any group they want.

You all hate me she cried is what form of narration?

The sentence "You all hate me," she cried is an example of direct speech or dialogue. It indicates that someone is speaking these words out loud.

Is it wrong to hate someone just because im bored?

Emotions are neither good nor bad. However, the fact that you could hate someone for no other reason than boredom is alarming. Please talk to a professional about that.

How do you hate on someone?

It is wrong to hate, and I'm glad you realize that. You can dislike them and dislike the things they do. Hating leads no where but it will backfire on you and so will revenge.You first need to tell the person sorry, if they knew or not.Just talk about how you're feeling, it doesn't have to be that person thou.And no matter how angry you can get, don't hate.

Why do you hate speech?

Well... first of all... some people don't hate speech, and people who hate speech doesn't really like school that much or your shy and don't wanna talk that much. Speech is just to help you pronounce your words a little better.

Is it wrong to hate someone just because they go out with the boy you love?

no it's ok it may bother you but you will have to deal with it eventualy