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no as there is no energy to form a conrormational change in the protein pump

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Q: Can sodium still enter a membrane if ATP is not present to activate the sodium potassium pump?
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What happens when you open the sodium channels in the membrane of a neuron?

When this occurs, the membranes potenial drops, as potassium and sodium diffuse with their gradient.

Sodium and potassium are found mostly in what part of the body?

Sodium and potassium are two very important micronutrients of the body. They are present in every cells of the body, Sodium (Na), normally outside the cells (in the extra-cellular fluid) and Potassium (K), normally inside the cell (in the cytoplasm) . By changing the balance of which of them are in a greater percentage inside and outside the cells , they are able to create membrane potential, which are necessary for the nerve impulses. (See sodium/potassium pumps, please) They are also electrolytes, maintaining the body's proper fluid balance. More info could be find on related links.

Why Sodium and potassium ion can only cross in axon membrane through protein channel explain why?

At rest sodium in the outside and potassium on the inside as action potential propagate along the axon, depolirization happens and sodium channel opens and allow sodium ions to flood into the neurone. A wave of deporization spread along the neuron, the neuron membrane contain specialised protein called channels. the channel from pore.

Why is the plasma membrane more permeable to potassium ions than sodium ions?

Some substances, including sodium and potassium, use a process called active transport to permeate cell walls. Active transport is controlled by other body systems. It limits the quantity of these substances passing through the plasma membrane to match the needs of the body.

How do you test for sodium ions and potassium ions when both are present?

Get a wire. Bend it into a ring and put a few crystals of your solid on it. Do a flame test using a Bunsen burner. Potassium will give a violet flame and Sodium ions will give a Yellow flame.

Related questions

Why is there a resting membrane potential across the cell membrane?

sodium/potassium pump

Period during which potassium ions diffuse out of the neuron's membrane?

sodium-potassium pump

What form of cellular transportation helps human cells maintain their sodium and potassium concentration?

The sodium/potassium pump, the sodium leak channel and the potassium leak channel.

Where sodium potassium pump present?

The most likely place you're going to find a sodium potassium pump would be in the muscle cell membrane. The sodium potassium pump reverses the electronegative potential once the cell has depolarized. In other words, it primes the muscle cell to be able to contract again.

What is the role of ATP in sodium-potassium pump?

transport across the membrane

What is the role of ATP in sodium potassium pump?

transport across the membrane

The membrane-bound enzyme system that restores and maintains the resting membrane potential is what pump?


What regulates which substances enter and leave a cell?

The plasma membrane. Carrier proteins and ion channels are parts of the plasma membrane, and aid in diffusion across concentration gradients, as most things don't freely move from one end of the cell membrane to the other. The Sodium-Potassium pump is a major ion channel in the plasma membrane, and regulates the intake of potassium and export of sodium (3 molecules sodium out, 2 molecules potassium in.)

What is a brief description of the action of the sodium-potassium pump?

The sodium-potassium pump is a transmembrane protein in a cell membrane. It keeps large concentrations of sodium ions outside the cell, and potassium ions inside the cell. It does this by pumping the sodium ions out, and the potassium ions in.

What is the cell membrane gateway system specifically called?

sodium-potassium pump.

Through the membrane of a resting neuron highly permeable to potassium ions its membrane potential does not exactly match the equilibrium potential for potassium because the neuronal membrane is?

Slightly permeable to sodium ions.

What energy is used in the sodium equals potassium pump?

The sodium-potassium pump in a cell's membrane is a form of active transportation that uses ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for energy.