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Oleic acid at (30°C) the visocity is 25.6

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Q: Is Oleic acid likely to be a liquid at room temperature?
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Are liquids unsaturated at room temperature?

Fats that have a lot of oleic acid in them, such as unsaturated fats, are liquid at room temperature. They are known to us as oils.

What would the simulation have shown if oleic acid was added to water?

Oleic acid is not miscible with water.

What is an example of a fatty acid?

CH3CH3 ethane is saturated. CH2=CH2 ethene (ethylene) is unstaurated. C17H35COOH stearic acid is saturated. C17H33COOH oleic acid is unsaturated. C17H29COOH Linolenic acid is polyunstaurated.

Is oleic acid a compound?

Oleic Acid is a Chemical Compound. It is an unsaturated fatty acid that is the most widely distributed and abundant fatty acid in nature.

Why is the melting point of Palmitoleic acid lower than that of oleic acid?

because palmitoleic acid has less number of carbons than oleic acid

Why is a dilute solution of oleic acid used instead of pure oleic acid?

The text is asking why a solution of oleic acid that has been weakened with water is used instead of pure oleic acid. Oleic acid is a type of fatty acid commonly found in animal and vegetable fats and oils. Diluting the solution may be necessary for certain applications to achieve a desired concentration or to prevent adverse effects.

What type of lipid is triolein?

Trioelein is a triglyceride. It is derived from glycerol and three units of the unsaturated and oleic acid. Oleic acid is a fatty acid.

What acid is a body fat compound?

Oleic Acid

What is the difference between Oleic acid and Erucic acid?


What acid is present in avocados?

oleic acid

Does Oleic acid cause hair loss?

Actually, oleic acid becomes azelaic acid in your body, which may be useful as a hair stimulant! from

At room temperature acetic acid is?

Acetic acid is a liquid at the room temperature and pressure.