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Bacteria, like all living organisms, function by means of a complicated series of chemical reactions. Chemical reactions happen differently when there is a large difference in temperature. Low temperatures have a particular danger, which is that water freezes and it expands when it freezes, which will cause it to rupture the cell membrane of the bacterial cell. High temperatures cause all sorts of new reactions to occur which would not occur at lower temperatures, and these new reactions will also destroy a cell, even more thoroughly than low temperatures will. In less technical terms, high temperatures will cook the bacteria.

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Q: Why bacteria cannot live at very low or very high temperature?
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The bacteria that cause botulism and tetanus are anaerobes and cannot live in the presence of alcohol?

You are a bit confused. Alcohol is generally toxic to bacteria, whether aerobic or anaerobic, but anaerobic bacteria cannot live in the presence of oxygen, that's why they are called anaerobic.

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Obligate aerobes

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There are several things that make archaeobacteria hard to study. They live without oxygen and in high temperature environments and they have either a very high or low pH.

Why doesn't the 48 to 50 C temperature of the melted agar kill most of the bacteria?

becouse we have bacteria that called hyperthermophiles organism thar can live at very high temp (80 c ) also we have thermophiles ...organism are heat lover they can live at temp (50-60)

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The bacteria that live in the hot spring are of a different kind. They can survive in extreme conditions. There are also other type of bacterias that can live in salty and some which can live in acidic conditions. Also because their proteins are in their correct form when at extreme temperatures, and in fact when put at temperatures that are normal for us, their proteins would deform and they could die.

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What are bacteria that cannot live without oxygen called?

Bacteria that must have oxygen to survive are called obligate aerobes. Some bacteria can live with or without oxygen and are called facultative anaerobes.Anaerobes = No oxygenAerobes = Oxygen

What temperature can bacteria rest in?

Depends on the bacteria, most bacteria in our body is ok at 98.6 degrees. so by the body elevating our temps with fever we try to kill the bacteria.

Bacteria that cause disease in humans live at what temperature?

The average temperature for a human will be the same temperature the bacteria are likely to flourish at which is about 37 degrees celsius or 98 degrees fahrenheit. However, these bacteria can often survive at a variety of temperatures around this mark, often reaching an optimum temperature a few degrees above this.

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micro-organisms live at a suitable temperature,they die on a very high and low temperature..... 

Why you cannot live in another planet?

We cannot live in other planets because there are no enough oxygen there . Also the temperature there is not accepted by our body