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Q: A debate on the motion Is bribery and corruption has brought an effect on your economy than armed robbery in Ghana?
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Goods taken by robbery are called?

Stolen goods

What is the basic support systems needed to keep an economy going?

The government, which is corrupt right now, the judicial system which is corrupt also. The healthcare system which has many mistakes with it tight now, Public aide/ unemployment, likewise. The banks have gotten away with highway robbery, through "loopholes". The people of this great nation which are being, more and more, left out of the decision making processses, will be needed to to get things back on track, in our great country of ours. Each and every person needs, to stand up and be heard.

What does in a pickle mean?

It is a slang term for a bad or troublesome situation. The expression is "left (someone) in a pickle" and it means that they have been left in a bad situation, or a situation that will be difficult to resolve. Examples could be: The robbers used his car in the robbery, which left him in a pickle. Santa was left in a pickle when the elves went on strike in November.

What is a definition for the term subject?

A subject is a sentence element that consists of one or more nouns or pronouns, plus any modifying words.George Washington was a US President.A subject is a person or item of interest.He was the subject of a police investigation.The robbery was the subject of many journalists.A subject is a topic.My essay subject is "The Best Practices of Dog Walkers".He changed the subject when I asked about his health.

What are the demerits of privatization commercialization in Nigeria?

1 Increase the price of goods and services, the price of goods and services will go up since private owners can only make profit by charging reasonable price against government who usually render assistance for the people. 2 It may cause unemployment in Nigeria due to private owner that is in control now, what i mean is this private owner may want to increase their profit, and for them to meet up with maximize profit, they will have to reduce workers. and this may also lead youths into arm robbery and prostitutions.

Related questions

Why are bribery and corruption worse than armed robbery?

Bribery and corruption undermine the trust and integrity of institutions and systems, leading to long-term negative consequences on society and the economy. They erode democratic processes and fuel inequality by giving unfair advantages to a few individuals or groups. In contrast, armed robbery is a violent crime that poses a direct threat to individuals but does not have the same widespread societal impact.

What are the reasons why corruption is worse than armed robbery?

"Better" is a debatable term, but I would have to say because the offense of robbery is straight forward... it either occurred or it didn't. Whereas corruption and bribery are much less straight forward and often require cooperation from participants or infiltration of an organization in order to prove.Additional: It is noteworthy that robbery is a crime against persons, while bribery and corruption are crimes against property. The fact of the matter is that all the offenses mentioned are felonies and will net the perpetrator lengthy prison sentences.

Why is armed robbery worse than corruption?

corruption is what leads to armed robbery. a corrupt nation is a nation in which people suffer injustice and the people that will surfer are the poor leading them to frustration and then takes the laws all into their own hands by going into to rob the rich which simple means that corruption is what leads to armed robbery, in a fair and stable government no one will want to rob anybody because everyone has equals rights. Egbuchulem Benita Excel college basic 9 gold

How many offenses are included in the NIBRS?

There are 22 offenses in the NIBRS. They include bribery, burglary, and robbery. Data is also collected on other offenses not counted in those 22, like DUIs and runaways.

What is the sentence for a convicted felon with arm robbery with a firearm?

This depends on the exact charges brought, and the prior record of the person charged.

What is the nature of their challenges of Romania?

Corruption, irredentism of Hungarians, Gypsy infractors, Jewish unjustified pretentions, economy destruction, religious sectarian attacks, bigotry, freedoms without limits, encouraging offenders and degenerated persons, robbery of EU and NATO countries, injustice, ridiculous parlamentary life, chronic stink, pollution, floods, and many others.

What is the abstract noun for 'robber'?

The abstract noun form of the concrete noun "robber" is robbery.

What is the difference between robbery and attempted robbery?

Robbery is when the act was commited, and attempted robbery is when a robbery is not completely executed.

How much time for robbery with sudden staching without weapon and firearm?

This depends on the exact charges brought, and the prior record of the person charged.

What are the classifications of robbery?

Piracy, armed robbery, aggravated robbery, and highway robbery. There are other subcategories to each of these.

What are the cause and effect of armed robbery in nigeria higher institution?

The cause of an armed robbery can be any number of things. A person may need money, or want items to sell. They may also be trying to get revenge on someone. The effect of armed robbery is stricter security and more fear.

What part of speech is robbery?

Robbery is a noun.