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First, download a PS1 emulator. (You can find links for this in the related links below.) Then look for the game elsewhere for download. Just Google Digimon Rumble Arena Psx Iso.

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Q: How can you play Digimon rumble arena on PC?
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Depends on the digiegg. Go inti the farm PC and it should tell you. You get them by digimon matching.

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Yes. There are several PC- only Digimon virtual pets and the Digimonm mmorpg, of course. You can also download ROMS of the games, but it's kinda illegal.

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when u defeat digimon u get scan data after U have defeated lots of digimon go to tamer home then the digilab PC and press digiconvert. whatever digimon have 100% next to them are the digimon u can have at the moment to get them u highlight, the digimon with 100% and press the a button. then yes the more over 100% the stronger the digimon

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World dawn how do you get party Digimon to go in your digifarm?

Go to your farm PC then select digimon list and go to the digimon you want to move then press A and move it to farm you want it to be on. Select the farm with L1 and R1

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First, you have to have the right digimon, and the digiegg corresponding to the one you want. Then, after certain conditions are met, (they are all different) go to DigiLab PC and select Special Digivolve. Select Armor Digivolve and the Digimon you want, and Voila!