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Pearl&Diamond there is 4 squares in the mountain(I forgot the name) in the room with water

(But NOT on the side to go to snowpoint city) Ruby&Sappare&Emarald catch randomly on route119 They change

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Q: What are the spaces to catch Feebas?
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Where do you catch feebas in pearl?

Feebas can be caught by fishing on Mt.Coronet. Specifically four random spaces on the water that changes daily.

Where do you catch feebas in diamond pearl?

Feebas can be caught by fishing on Mt.Coronet. Specifically four random spaces on the water that changes daily.

How do you catch a feebas on Pokemon Ruby?

first you need surf a rod any rod apart from old rod then there are only 6 spaces of the 400 squares of water that you can catch feebas but i dont know were they are just surf around and fish randomly hope that helps ! :)

Can you catch feebas in the rain?

The Rain does not affect the Appearance or Catch Rate of Feebas, so yes, you can.

Old rod Feebas?

You can catch Feebas with any rod.

Does it matter what time of Day it is to catch Feebas?

There doesn't seem to be an exact time to catch Feebas, they are just really really really hard to catch.

Do you have to use a super rod to catch feebas?

No, but your Feebas will be alot stronger in levels if you do?

How do you catch Milotic in Pokemon Emerald?

Actually, it's impossible to catch Milotic in any Pokemon Game. But, it's possible to catch its pre-evolution, Feebas. To catch Feebas in Pokemon Emerald, there is a complicated way. But, I know that you can catch Feebas in Route 119. Hope I helped :)

Can you catch feebas with a old rod?


Where can you catch feebas in Pokemon diamond?

upper segment of mt.coronet with an old rod

How do you catch Feebas in Pokemon ruby?

feebas can be caught in any waters of route 199.

Were to catch feebas in diamond and Pearl?

In Mt. Coronet on the water - but it is really really hard to catch. I have feebas eggs is you would like to have one.