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His red blood cells have been trained to roundhouse kick any cholesterol they find.

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Q: Why can Chuck Norris never have a heart attack?
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no. chuck Norris rules. chuck Norris never has had a heart attack, his heart isn't dumb enough to even try

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Chuck Norris would never cool down the sun. Its Chuck Norris approved.

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Chuck Norris facts never STARTED, they have just always been....

Why does Chuck Norris's never use his gun?

Becuz guns don't kill people chuck Norris does.

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Not only has Chuck Norris never fallen, he has never slept. He simply pretends to sleep and waits for an attacker.

When Chuck Norris going to die?

Never. If Chuck Norris is dead, the rest of the world has been dead for years.

When is Chuck Norris going to die?

No Chuck Norris is never going to die due to the fact death is afraid of Chuck Norris. If it comes within 100 feet of him, death will die.

Is chuch Norris real?

Yes, Chuck Norris is a real person... but NEVER and i mean NEVER go into a pitch black room look into a mirror and say "Chuck Norris" three times

If Chuck Norris had no cookies how many would he have?

Chuck Norris can never have no cookies. It is physically impossible. (Always spell Chuck Norris with a capital C and N) If Chuck Norris were ever to have no cookies, he would still have more than you (or anyone, for that matter.)

Is Chuck Norris a brony?

No, Chuck Norris is presumably not a brony. He has never made any statements pertaining to his status as a brony.