

What is formal curriculum?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: What is formal curriculum?
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Related questions

What is the difference between formal and informal curriculum?

The formal curriculum is planned by a specific group of people to meet required and necessary needs. The informal curriculum is not planned, it's randomly done.

What are the three foundations that the formal curriculum is based on?

Maths, English and Science

What is planned curriculum?

Planned curriculum is that type of curriculum which refers to the planned programs of objectives contents, instructions and assessments offord by a schools. it is related to Formal curriculum. Muhammad Adnan (M.A Education) University of Malakand Dir Lower Pakistan

What is the definiton of co-curriculum?

Co-curriculum refers to activities and experiences that complement the formal academic curriculum. These activities may include sports, clubs, community service, and other extracurricular pursuits that enhance students' overall learning and personal development.

What are branches of curriculum theories?

There are several branches of curriculum theories, including social efficiency theory, developmentalist theory, reconceptualist theory, and critical theory. Each branch emphasizes different aspects of curriculum design, implementation, and evaluation, reflecting varying perspectives on the purpose and goals of education.

What are the disadvantage of non formal education?

The disadvantage of non formal learning is accreditation. Non formal learning is not based on a curriculum instead is based on experience.

Can a school exist with out a curriculum why or why not?

A school can exist without a formal curriculum, but it would lack structure and direction for teaching and learning. A curriculum provides a framework for what students should know and be able to do, guides teaching practices, and ensures educational standards are met. Without a curriculum, it would be challenging to assess student progress and ensure a quality education.

What is the difference between formal and informal creative activities for children?

The formal creative activity for children refers to the activities done within a given curriculum or institution. The informal creative activity for children refers to the activity done outside a given curriculum. In most cases it is usually done at home.

What is formal study?

Formal study refers to the structured and organized process of learning through educational institutions such as schools, colleges, or universities. It typically involves a curriculum, set learning objectives, assessment methods, and formal recognition upon completion, such as a degree or certificate.

What is the definition of curriculum evaluation?

Curriculum evaluation is the process of assessing the effectiveness and outcomes of a curriculum to determine its strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. It often involves collecting and analyzing data to make informed decisions about how well the curriculum is meeting its intended goals and objectives. This evaluation helps educators make adjustments to improve student learning and overall program quality.

What is the abberiviation of cv?

If you're asking what "cv" stands for, I believe the actual phrase is "curriculum vitae"; this is a formal phrase for biography normally used by the professional community like doctors and such.

What would happen if curriculum does not relate to curriculum?

The assessment and curriculum are the center of education if the assessment does not relate to curriculum the curriculum will be useless because assessment and curriculum are combined.