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The force on each other is the same (action and reaction)

The skier and the earth accelerate toward each other according to:

acceleration = force / mass.

But because the earth is so massive , (compared to the skier) its rate of acceleration is immeasurably small, as is the distance it travels.


This is only concerned with the vertical component of the skiers motion.

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Q: Why does the skier accelerate while earth does not seem to move at all?
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Why you do not move while earth moves?

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than no one would move. nothing would move. you need to accelerate even the smallest amount to be in motion.

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Yes, objects falling towards Earth accelerate due to gravity, so they do indeed move faster and faster as they fall. This acceleration is constant and equals about 9.8 m/s^2 near the Earth's surface.

Why doesn't the earth move when you apply force to it?

Are you thinking about, say, when you get down and do a push-up, and you pushagainst the Earth, why doesn't it move ?Well, first of all, when you do the push-up, a distance opens up between you and theEarth. How do you know it's you that moved ? How do you know it's not the Earththat moved away from you when you pushed against it ? I could just as well ask you:When you did that push-up, why did the Earth move, and not you ?The answer is: You and the Earth both move.Here's what happens when I do a push-up, and it's very similar to your case:-- I use my arm muscles and generate a force of 100 pounds.-- There's a force of 100 pounds down, against the Earth.-- There's a force of 100 pounds up, against me.-- In response to the unbalanced forces on each body, the Earth and I both accelerate.-- Since the acceleration in response to a given force is inversely proportional tothe object's mass, and the Earth's mass is 151,850,000,000,000,000,000,000 timesmore than my mass, I accelerate 151,850,000,000,000,000,000,000 times more thanthe Earth does, in the opposite direction.But we both accelerate, and we both move.