

History of the United States

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Reynold Berge

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2y ago
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Who proposed the Albany Plan of Union


What was the money collected from the tax created by the Townshend Acts used to do

pay salaries of British officials

In 1757 who became the new prime minister of great Britain

william pitt

Who delivered the messages from Governor Dinwiddie to the French

george washington

Which monarch joined British political leaders and began the development of the land between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River

king geroge lll

Who was a delegate to the Albany conference and proposed to unite all the colonies for defense purposes

bengamin franklin

Who was the governor of Virginia who claimed that the Ohio Valley was a British colony


Which colonies were united under a single government


Which colonies had the strong support of many Native American tribes


What stockade was built by George Washington to supply provisions to his troops


Which Native American tribe refused to trade or deal with the French


Which trade did both the French and British colonists want control over


Who was the territory that is now Florida given to after the war

The land was given to Britain.

British ships sat in Boston harbor for 20 days waiting for what to happen

tax on the tea to be paid

Hat was the proposal to unite all colonies for defense purposes known as

The Albany Plan of Union was the proposal to unite all colonies for defense purposes.

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Who proposed the Albany Plan of Union

What was the money collected from the tax created by the Townshend Acts used to do

Who delivered the messages from Governor Dinwiddie to the French

The document that was adopted by the Congress in 1775 and declared that the colonies would still be loyal to the king and Great Britain was called the

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Who proposed the Albany Plan of Union

What was the money collected from the tax created by the Townshend Acts used to do

Who delivered the messages from Governor Dinwiddie to the French

Which monarch joined British political leaders and began the development of the land between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River

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Who proposed the Albany Plan of Union

What was the money collected from the tax created by the Townshend Acts used to do

According to the Proclamation of 1763 which government controlled all western lands

Who delivered the messages from Governor Dinwiddie to the French

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Who proposed the Albany Plan of Union

What was the money collected from the tax created by the Townshend Acts used to do

Who delivered the messages from Governor Dinwiddie to the French

Which monarch joined British political leaders and began the development of the land between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River

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Who proposed the Albany Plan of Union

What was the money collected from the tax created by the Townshend Acts used to do

Who delivered the messages from Governor Dinwiddie to the French

Which monarch joined British political leaders and began the development of the land between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River

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