

Authors, Poets, and Playwrights

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Ramon Anderson

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2y ago
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What is funk cost

er mum auther er mum auther er mum auther er mum auther er mum auther er mum auther

What can an author use as a literary artifact

objects, trends, or elements of the natural world

How is an artifact used in literature

To establish setting and context.

How is an artifact used during the exposition of a story

To provide important details about the characters and the plot

What is a common way that an artifact is used at the beginning of a story

To give the reader clues as to whether the story is true

How are artifacts often used in the beginning of a story

Answer: To provide important details about how a character interacts with the setting

How was the term magical realism first used

how was the magical realism first used

Why did Latin Americans authors incorporate magical realism in their writing

To explain the relationship between scientific thought and Latin American cultural superstitions. (Apex)

How are symbols often used in a story

as artifacts that have special meaning for a character

What artifact from Everyday Use becomes a focal point for the family members' different views of their heritage

The handmade quilts

What caused maggies injuries in everyday use

she was burned in a house fire

How does the narrator of Everyday Use see her two daughters differently

She sees Maggie as a shy girl who hides in the shadows, but she thinks that Dee is a show-off who makes her opinions known.

In every day use why wont Dee bring her friends to visit the family's new house

she is ashamed of how poor her family is

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Would old money be considered an artifact

What can an author use as a literary artifact

How is an artifact used in literature

How is an artifact used during the exposition of a story

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