

US Constitution

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Anya King

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Who was President of the Constitutional Convention in 1787

George Washington

George Washington was elected to preside over the Constitutional Convention (aka Philadelphia Convention) in 1787.

Who supported the Constitution

The Federalists supported the Constitution.

What five liberties are protected by the first amendment

The first amendment of the US Constitution protects the freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, the right to peacefully assemble, and the right to petition the government. This amendment is part of the Bill of Rights.

Why was Benjamin Franklin's Albany Plan of Union important

because it was the fist plan brought up during the time that tried to unify all of the colonies under one centralized government unit

Which Amendment to the Constitution gives the states authority that the Federal Government does not have

Tenth Amendment

Which of the following is an example of a political amendment

President is limited to two terms in office

What was one of the delegates' first actions at the Constitutional Convention

The first act of delegates' first actions at the constitutional convention was provided for the oath.

In many states who is expected to preside over the state senate

lieutenant governor

In which type of city council model do the council members have the legislative Authority

council-manager model

Of the following who was an active Anti-Federalist

samuel adams.

Which of the following is a reason why the Anti-Federalists opposed the Constitution

The Constitution lacked a bill of rights.

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Who was President of the Constitutional Convention in 1787

Who supported the Constitution

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Who was President of the Constitutional Convention in 1787

What five liberties are protected by the first amendment

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Who was President of the Constitutional Convention in 1787

What five liberties are protected by the first amendment

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