

Vietnam War

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Arnaldo Bergnaum

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2y ago
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What was the War on Poverty

This was a term for the social programs of the Lyndon Johnson administration such as TAP (Total Action against Poverty .

What were napalm and agent orange

Controversial weapons used by the United States in Vietnam

What was combat like for American combat soldiers in Vietnam

The Vietnam War was one of the worst in American history. Combat in the jungle was difficult, and it was hard to know who exactly was the enemy, since Vietnam had two different sides of the war as well.

What did Lyndon Johnson say when he addressed Americans after the Selma march

That all Americans should work to overcome prejudice.

What statements about the Peace Corps is true

It is an example of soft power.

Which these measures did president Kennedy succeed in passing

A higher minimum wage -Apex

Why did president Johnson believe that it was important for the United states to win in Vietnam

President Johnson believed in the domino theory. He feared a communist takeover in Southeast Asia if the United States left Vietnam.

In 1961 the Soviet Union attempted

In 1961 the Soviet Union attempted to take over West Berlin.

How did Young Americans response in JFK's challenge

they became involved in politics

Both Social Security and Medicare

Helped older Americans pay for health care -APEX

The United States prevented an election in south Vietnam because

A Communist would likely win.

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Vietnam War

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What was the War on Poverty

What were napalm and agent orange

What was combat like for American combat soldiers in Vietnam

What did Lyndon Johnson say when he addressed Americans after the Selma march

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2 Reviews

Vietnam War

10 cards

What was the War on Poverty

What were napalm and agent orange

What was combat like for American combat soldiers in Vietnam

What did Lyndon Johnson say when he addressed Americans after the Selma march

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Vietnam War

14 cards

What was the War on Poverty

What were napalm and agent orange

What was the main goal of American combat soldiers in Vietnam

What did Lyndon Johnson say when he addressed Americans after the Selma march

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No Reviews

Vietnam War

15 cards

What was the War on Poverty

What were napalm and agent orange

What was the main goal of American combat soldiers in Vietnam

What did Lyndon Johnson say when he addressed Americans after the Selma march

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2 Reviews

Vietnam War

14 cards

What was the War on Poverty

What were napalm and agent orange

What was the main goal of American combat soldiers in Vietnam

What did Lyndon Johnson say when he addressed Americans after the Selma march

See all cards
2 Reviews