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Rodrigo Schoen

Lvl 10
2y ago
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Why is the phloem in a leaf important to the roots of a plant

It provides the roots with carbohydrates. (APEX)

Which structure is found mostly in green plants


Which geometric solid is the best model for these cells

A right circular cylinder


Where do electrons come from and how it gains energy during the light reaction

They come from Photosystem ll. Photosystem ll gets them by ripping the electrons off of water by a process called photolysis.

Electrons gain energy first in Photosystem ll, then later in photosystem l, through the absorption of energy from light.

Why can oxygen diffuse across a cell membrane but a protein cannot-

Proteins are to large or Oxygen is much smaller than a protein.

The following contains stem cells that can produce only their own type of cells


What do prokaryotes and eukaryotes have in common apex

They both have ribosomes.

Which of the following contains the greatest number is totipotent stem cells

A fertilized egg

Is an example of parasitismWhich of the following is an example of parasitism

Worms consuming the blood of an animal

The male Japanese beetle breaks down female pheromones. What structure inside the cell of the male beetle breaks down the pheromone

Lysosomes (Apex)

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Why is the phloem in a leaf important to the roots of a plant

Which structure is found mostly in green plants

Which geometric solid is the best model for these cells

Where do electrons come from and how it gains energy during the light reaction

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9 cards

Why is the phloem in a leaf important to the roots of a plant

Which structure is found mostly in green plants

Which geometric solid is the best model for these cells

Where do electrons come from and how it gains energy during the light reaction

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9 cards

Why is the phloem in a leaf important to the roots of a plant

Which structure is found mostly in green plants

Which geometric solid is the best model for these cells

Where do electrons come from and how it gains energy during the light reaction

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8 cards

Why is the phloem in a leaf important to the roots of a plant

Which geometric solid is the best model for these cells

Where do electrons come from and how it gains energy during the light reaction

Why can oxygen diffuse across a cell membrane but a protein cannot-

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9 cards

Why is the phloem in a leaf important to the roots of a plant

Which structure is found mostly in green plants

Which geometric solid is the best model for these cells

Where do electrons come from and how it gains energy during the light reaction

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