

US Constitution

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Jettie Ryan

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What amendment was both proposed and ratified in 1865

The 13th amendment was proposed and ratified in 1865.

What did anti-federalists believe was a major factor in America's decision to declare independence from England

resistance to tyranny

What type of amendment has occasionally been passed in an attempt to improve American society

Social and Cultural Amendments

Which two topics does the Seventeenth Amendment cover

Suffrae and Politics


Which of the following is not considered a suffrage amendment

The term limit of a president is two years

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What amendment was both proposed and ratified in 1865

Which group demanded a bill of rights should be added to the Constitution after it was ratified

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What did anti-federalists believe was a major factor in America's decision to declare independence from England

What type of amendment has occasionally been passed in an attempt to improve American society

What type of amendment deals specifically with economic issues

Which is not true of the formal amendment process

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What amendment was designed specifically to deal with an economic issue

Who believed additional protections in the Constitution would further secure the rights and liberties of citizens

Which group demanded a bill of rights should be added to the Constitution after it was ratified

What did anti-federalists believe was a major factor in America's decision to declare independence from England

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What amendment was both proposed and ratified in 1865

Which group demanded a bill of rights should be added to the Constitution after it was ratified

What type of amendment has occasionally been passed in an attempt to improve American society

When the office of the president was first developed how was the vice president selected

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What amendment was designed specifically to deal with an economic issue

What amendment was both proposed and ratified in 1865

Which group demanded a bill of rights should be added to the Constitution after it was ratified

What type of amendment has occasionally been passed in an attempt to improve American society

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