

US Constitution

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Reece Hermann

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Cards in this guide (7)
Which two states delayed the ratification process because they had not reached a decision

New York and Virginia

The people rule and hold sovereign power in which type of government


In chronological order which of these events occurred first Mayflower Compact

magna carta

Which plan proposed that both the judicial and executive could veto laws Virginia Plan Connecticut compromise New Jersey plan

Virginia Plan

What of these documents was signed by the Pilgrims in 1620


What document was signed by King Charles I of England in 1628

petition of rights

In the United States, what document specifies which powers belong to the central government and which go to the states


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The people rule and hold sovereign power in which type of government

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What term refers to a tax that people have to pay before being allowed to vote

Which two states delayed the ratification process because they had not reached a decision

The people rule and hold sovereign power in which type of government

Which amendment protects a newspaper reporter who writes a story that is critical of the President's foreign policy

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Who was elected president of the constitutional convention

What term refers to a tax that people have to pay before being allowed to vote

Which two states delayed the ratification process because they had not reached a decision

The people rule and hold sovereign power in which type of government

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Who was elected president of the constitutional convention

What was the First state to ratify the constitution in 1787

Which two states delayed the ratification process because they had not reached a decision

Who believed that men were basically good and that they were born free before government existed

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Who was elected president of the constitutional convention

The first national government for the United States was

The Revolutionary War ended in what year

Instead of proposing ratification by the state legislatures the federalist proposal called for ratification of the constitution by what

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