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Technically, Arthur Mille wrote 'The Crucible' before his own personal experiences with the HUAC (House Committee on Un-American Activities). He wrote 'The Crucible' in 1953, after Elia Kazan (who directed 'Death of a Salesman' 4 years earlier) was questioned by the HUAC about links to the Communist party. Feeling pressured, Kazan named names of people he believed to be associated with the Communists.

After speaking the Kazan, Miller wrote the 'The Crucible.' In it, Miller compared the HUAC questioning to the witch hunt in Salem in 1692, where a young woman, out of jealousy and rage, accuses her lover's wife of witchcraft. Using the town's fear to her advantage, she accuses many more of being witches, and they are hanged. People of Salem become afraid of speaking out against her, as it will surely lead to also being named a witch.

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HUAC accused MIller of being a communist (which is so un-American hence their name)

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Miller, Arthur. The Crucible (Penguin Classics). London: Penguin Classics, 2003