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The Monroe Doctrine was a policy of the United States. It was introduced on December 2, 1823. The declaration stated that any efforts by European nations to colonize land or interfere with states in North or South America would be considered acts of aggression, requiring the United States to intervene. It also stated that the United States may not interfere with existing European colonies nor is the United States allowed to get involved with the concerns of European countries.

The Monroe Doctrine was issued at a time where all Latin American colonies of Spain and Portugal had achieved or were at the point or achieving independence from the Portuguese Empire and Spanish Empire. The president, James Monroe, first stated the Monroe Doctrine during his seventh annual State of the Union Address to Congress. The declaration gained its name in the year 1850. By the end of the nineteenth century, Monroe's declaration was seen as a defining moment in the foreign policy of the United States.

The Monroe Doctrine's primary cause was to free the newly independent colonies of Latin America from the intervention or Europe and avoid situations which could lead to the New World becoming a battleground for the Old World's powers. The Monroe Doctrine didn't play a roll in the civil was and wasn't of much importance then.
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The Monroe Doctrine after the US Civil War had two main applications. The first one was immediately after the US Civil War, when the US justified its assistance to Mexico to resist the French invasion, which had begun in 1861. The second one was far more extensive. After the US Civil War, the US began a policy of directly intervening in Latin American countries in order to organize and lead them. This would come to a head in the 20th century when the US fought a number of wars, financed numerous militias, and financed a number of coups d'etat in Latin America.

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ANSWER The France.

Why is Monroe doctrine important for the history of the US?

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Was the Monroe doctrine written before World War 2?

Yes , the Monroe Doctrine was a policy of the United States introduced on December 2, 1823 .

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War with European empires!

What hemisphere did the Monroe doctrine cover?

The Monroe Doctrine covered the Western Hemisphere. At the time, Great Britain applauded this doctrine in that it then considered its North American holdings, such as Canada, safe. Violations did occur however and were treated not specifically to be Monroe Doctrine ones. By this I mean the installation of a French puppet regime in Mexico. After the US Civil War, assembling US troops on the Mexican border, and threatening to invade Mexico was enough for France to abandon this idea. Regardless of the Doctrine, the US used its military to protect its own national security.

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Monroe served during the Era of Good Feeling. There was no organized opposition to him in 1820. The Federalist Party had collapsed and did not field a candidate to run against Monroe. In 1816, there were some who did not like the treaty that ended the War of 1812 and blamed Monroe for it.

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Monroe doctrine

What was issued after the War of 1812 and considered part of America's foreign policy?

Monroe doctrine

Was wasn't the Monroe doctrine enforce in Mexico during their independence?

It didn't exist at the time. Mexico fought its war of independence between 1810 and 1821; the Monroe doctrine wasn't elaborated until 1823.