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Q: This king's daughter was named Jezebel?
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Was Jezebel from sidonians?

Jezebel, according to 1 Kings 16:31, says that she was the daughter of the king of the Sidonians. This indicates that Jezebel is originally from the city of Sidon. Later she became queen to Ahab who was the king of Samaria.

Who was Jehu's wife?

Jehu's wife was named Jezebel. She was known for her wickedness and idol worship, and her story is recorded in the Bible in the book of 2 Kings. Jezebel's actions led to conflict and ultimately her downfall.

What city did jezebel live in?

According to the Bible account found in 1 Kings 16:31 states that Jezebel was the daughter of the king of the Sidonians. It is safe to say that she lived there before becoming wife to Ahab, the king of Samaria.

What scriptures speaks about the death of jezebel?

2 kings

Why did Elisha flee Jezebel?

Wrong. It was Elijah who fled Jezebel (1 Kings 19), because she was a murderess who killed a number of prophets (1 Kings 18). See also 2 Kings 9.

Where can you read about jezebel?

You can read about Jezebel in the Bible. Her account is found in both 1 and 2 Kings within the Hebrew-Aramaic scriptures (the old testament). At 1 Kings 16:31, Jezebel is taken as Ahab's wife. Then in chapter 21 verse 23 of 1 Kings, Jehovah God speaks of what will become of Jezebel. Then beginning at 2 Kings 9:30 we read of the last moments and death of Jezebel. There can be more information found through publications of the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Biblical character fell out of a window and was eaten by dogs?

Jezebel was thrown from a window and the dogs ate her (2 Kings 9:30-37).

In the Old Testament who was Jezebel's husband?

Jezebel's husband in the Old Testament was King Ahab of Israel.

Is it okay to name your daughter jezebel i just thought it was pretty?

You can name your daughter whatever you like! It is pretty!!!

How many kids did Jezebel have?

The Bible's Jezebel, wife of Ahab the king of north Israel, had three children (two sons and a daughter).

Where in the Bible would you find Jezebel?

1 Kings 16:31-21:25 and 2 Kings 9:7-37

Who is Jezebel in the Bible?

The wife of King Ahab who was King of Israel. Ahab was one if Israel's most evil kings, and Jezebel his wife was equally evil. She was the daughter of the King of Tyre, Ithobaal. She turned Ahab away from God to heathen gods and persuaded Ahab to rule over Israel as a tyrant. In the 2nd book of Kings, we are told that Jezebel is killed by the eunuchs in her palace at the request of Jehu, who then throw her out of the palace window to the street below. She is eaten by wild dogs,and only her skull, hands and feet remained, fulfilling a prophecy by Elijah in 1 kings 21:22-26. Because of her wickedness, the name 'Jezebel' has become a term of abuse for any woman who is regarded either as wicked or of loose morals.