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Yes it brought unimaginable wealth to my country, Great Britain. The only down side is what we are seeing today in the UK, which is where are major towns and cities have been and are being invaded by the nations we once ruled and who we brought civilization to.

So it was good at the time and we helped many civilizations build up economic strength, sadly though once we disbanded the empire and let them rule them selves many of these country's became plagued by dictators.

So they all decided to come back to the heart of the once great British Empire the United Kingdom and live with the people who they owe their country's past glory to.

I will not go into the public opinion or my own for that matter on whether or not this was a good thing for the native Britons.

I will leave that to you to decide, if a group of country's as small as the United kingdom's, can flourish with all the nations they once controlled living along side the natives...

The English, Scots and welsh with half the worlds nations.

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